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1st place !!!

Pretty simple, but the controls works great.

I think the pivot center should be the center of the car and not the camera, the rotation looks a bit wierd.

The AI doesn't seems  to work as some car just stop moving. I don't know if you use navigation mesh and navigation mesh, but if it's not the case, you should check it for your next game :)

Congrates for your entry :D

Yeah the AI is ridiculously hard to get right. I spent more time on that than anything else and it still sucks! I had checkpoints for the CPU racers to aim for, skip them if they pass them and logic to avoid obstacles, reverse and back up if they hit the terrain, but when those conflict they get confused. I have a new-found respect for developers of racing games.

I used physics based driving, so the pivot should be the same as a standard front-wheel drive car.

(1 edit) (+1)

Just tried it out and using NavMesh (accel 0, just use the desiredVelocity to decide steering) makes AI driving much better (until they hit an obstacle). After the rating's over I'll post an update.