It’s like the middle of the night but I’m too scared to sleep because I just had my whole soul leave my fucking body. Even if I didn’t I probably couldn’t have slept anyway but like still.
So I was sitting there, barbecue sauce on my t- I was laying down and I had like downloaded YouTube videos open because I cannot sleep if it’s dead silent. I had my earphones in and one earphone was out bcs it was kinda bothering me and I kid you not, in the clearest voice I’ve ever heard, a little kid laughing. It sounded like it was coming from outside so I didn’t think much if it but then I heard what sounded like a crash and that’s when I opened my eyes to look around and there it stood. A kid, couldn’t have been older than 12, standing at the foot of my bed just staring before disappearing off into oblivion. I’m actually going to cry, every time I think about it, it terrifies me, because the image was so clear too, if you guys saw that you would’ve had the same reaction. Anyway J noped out of my room and am hiding out in the living room but I keep hearing shit and I’m scared for my life.
Even if this didn’t happen, I couldn’t have slept anyway cause while I was tryna sleep I couldn’t get comfortable, it was way too hot, I felt sick, and this is normal, this happens a lot, it doesn’t matter. I’m just too tired.
So uhm yeah, I’m about to be murdered by a demon, so that’s great.