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I also had problems getting the game to work at first but eventually figured it out.

You need to right-click on the Excel file itself, select "Properties" and then on one of the tabs check the "Unblock" option at the bottom so that it will run the Macros properly.

As for the game, it's fairly intuitive. The Element system made it a bit more interesting. 

The pace of combat needs to be faster and it could have been a little more obvious that the map scrolls off the screen.


I mean, you made this in EXCEL. I've heard of others making simple Excel games but to see it done and integrate a version of BASIC was pretty darn cool! And I would argue that some areas might have scored higher if it weren't for the fact that making a game in Excel probably results in a lot of undesired restrictions and limitations.


The map graphics are ok, but the battle graphics are quite a bit better. This game reminds me a lot of an old NES game I used to play -- The Immortal. I also appreciate how large the graphics were so I wasn't squinting at my screen from 2 inches away.


I think this is the only game in the Jam that utilizes all 3 themes.


Thank you for your suggestion on fixing the macros. I knew it could be an issue given security settings, but was hoping most people could try it.

Really appreciate the feedback. I agree the combat could have been quicker. My goal was to give the game time to "pause" and redraw the screen but depending on how quickly your computer processes the code, it might have taken longer than I was initially planning. (I was more concerned about showing the result of each hit and didn't want to have the player miss that.) As for the screen map, I was trying to see if there was a way to show edges of other tiles, but ran out of time before I could do a deep dive into that. Because of the way I am drawing the graphics, I am not sure it is possible to show half a tile. I debated about having the screen scroll as the player got within a couple cells of the edge (and had done that once in a testing project I did long ago), but decided to keep it simple with the map and expand the functionality of the game itself instead.

Thanks again for playing my game!