Thanks a lot for the feedback !
Hollow Knight was indeed my main inspiration for the gameplay, the enemies and boss design. So far for hit feedback: there's a different swing VFX, a different sound effect, enemies and the player are pushed back from each other, enemy sprites are squashed and pushed and brought back and there's a directional camera shake. But I agree that what's missing is a more impactful VFX, the only thing there is for that is the different swing VFX, but it's not much, it could feel more impactful with a more dedicated VFX. As for the jump SFX, I tried something and it was.... annoying, you would hear it too much so I removed it and only kept a landing, but maybe I should've just tone it down in volume, or just look up for another sound sample.
Thank you for the feedback ! I'm glad you enjoyed and thank you for playing !
(I did play your game a couple of days ago, rated and commented, so you might have missed it, I enjoyed it a lot. Definitely one of the good ones from the jam so I didn't have much critics, but I can give it a second go to be more nit picky if you are looking for feedback)