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Deleted 27 days ago

The Hat RGB is a neat Idea, I didn't realize it tho, same with stamina and mana spending other ressources if empty, thanks to the tiny Bars.

Didn't even see they were emptying properly.

Personally I'd like just normal not tank controls, but if tank controls, at least let me turn while walking. The Gameplay itself is intuitive, I knew what I was supposed to do, and understood controls intuitively aswell, but the aforementioned ressource management wasn't clear, and the controls too clunky for my Taste.

I'm pretty sure there definetly are breaks, and it doesn't just feel like it.  

If you're having multiple Ghosts an extra Cursor makes Sense of course.

I'm on a 2560x1000something screen, I forgot, but the Game started in Windowed mode and I kept it there. But even in Fullscreen the Bar length is tiny, You're not going to see much there. 

Also just found out when re opening the game, it places me in the Position I left off in. I'm assuming you have some kind of Autosave going. It restarts the Tutorial however, and, even when completing it, I'm unable to do any Inputs.

I got that the Deathscreen is attached to some kind of Physics/Ragdoll whatever, I'm saying it doesn't make Sense and doesn't need to be there. Just a fade to red with the Death message and the character falling over from the current Camera view is fine.

I did attack the crow, but I didn't realize it was a safe feature. You'll need some kind of Feedback for that. sparkling around your Character or something, or just a game saved in the corner of the screen works. 

I tried blocking Ants with the Fence, but they just went around and surrounded me.  Most likely I just killed myself tho, due to the spamclicking consuming my Health after a while. The mechanic is interesting, but definetly needs more Feedback to make it clear you're hurting yourself. Your bars aren't helpful for that as they are right now.