Aeaea for the Continent name? Thats a rather weird and unintuitive one. I'm just going to assume its a Placeholder.
New Game should be above Load Game I think, at least when theres no Game to be loaded yet. I'd usually think of Continue - New - Load - Options - Exit for Menupoints.
RMB to back out of Menues is nice, but why can't I LMB to continue the Dialogue? Its a tactics game on the PC, it should be easily fully mouse controllable.
Overall, the Controls are a super weird mix of Mouse and Keyboard. Why do I back out of Menues with RMB and get stats with MMB, but have to move the cursor with WASD, and then confirm my selection with Space, but have to select Attack with LMB again? And then confirm the Attack target with Space again?
If I'm Team Blue Mercenaries, why is my Priest wearing a Red Cape? And my Mage a purpel one with red lining?
The Hairstyle of the Green haired Girl doesn't seem to fit her Personality.
I'd like the Camp to be a more interactive kind of menu. A proper Scene with the People standing around doing whatever, and you clicking on them to initiate dialogue, instead of clicking through some menues or something.
Instead of one short tutorial, explaining concept and units over time as you aquire them might be better and more immersive. But I understand that its not something needed this early in development.
Why is Simone dying instantly? At least let me use her in battle once. Ideally, have her charge ahead in the Intro, then start the combat with her being surrounded and clubbed to death somewhere unreachable during the Actual mission. Bonus if I can actually safe her if I play the mission right.
Why are enemy and ally Healthbars both blue? You should have clear colorcoding between units and healthbars. Make Enemy Healthbars red, aswell as the barbarians Armor or something, so its clear their Evil.
Barbarians with melee Iron axe can counterattack my ranger with bow? Really? Or did he have a Bow thats not shown in the world sprite?
Turns don't automatically end when I've used every unit?
Load Game screen starts at roughly half the window height, not at its top, wasting a lot of space.
Skip should skip immediately, not rush through all the Dialogue.
Additional enemies should appear during enemies Turn, not during Players turn. Combined with your Color issues, it makes it seem like they are my barbarians.
Theres already one dead member right before the mission, why does it fail me if any other member dies?
A small tooltip in the corner which weapons a unit has could also help, especially since all barbarian sprites have Axes, even if they cary Bows.
Camera is also too zoomed in at the beginning. I know I can zoom out, but having to do this over and over again is annoying.
Your selection cursor disappears under the Houses. It should always be visible on top.
Nearly finished mission 2 when one of the enemies decided to just walk over Water and kill my Healer.
Shouldn't water be unwalkable?
Healstaff selection should, when choosing heal, immediately jump to the first bullet point, allowing me to reselect from there, not to the one that the mouse is on thanks to clicking heal.
Skipping the enemies turn should just speed it up but still show whats happening.
Cassius is an Ass. Hes utterly weak, constantly required Babysitting, and then demands position of the Leader? Not Hero or Maincharacter Material at all. Not to mention not a single care was taken for the Dead Teammember by him. And then he just goes ahead and marrys Lucerne to enforce his Position as the Armies Captain, even tho he not only is incapable and doesn't deserve it, he also apparently is in love with someone else?
And don't describe whats happening in Text. You have a giant Screenspace dedicated to Background Imagery and Portraits. Show them sitting and crying, not just write some Text about it.
Gameplay itself was function and Fun tho, didn't really encounter any Bugs.