Thanks for playing Eclipse War and taking the time to leave thoughtful feedback!
Aeaea wasn't intended to be a placeholder name it relates to a collection of greek myths that a lot of other things in the game take names from.
Controls seems like one of the biggest complaints so that's probably on the top of my list of what to do next, Along with tooltips for staffs so you know what a staff does without just trying it and seeing what happens.
I had enemies spawn during player turn so it was clear that they weren't going to be able to move that turn, but I guess I can achieve the same thing if I just have them spawn at the very end of the turn.
The comment about the enemy walking over water worries me a little, water is unwalkable, but I think there two tiles that aren't exactly clear if they should be a "water" or "plains" tiles since they look pretty half and half just looking at them. Hopefully it's that and not a pathfinding but because a pathfinding bug would be much harder to fix.
Cassius is supposed to be an ass and extremely selfish but hopefully it wasn't too grating. I personally like heavily flawed protagonists but I also know a lot of games where it's taken too far, so I'll maybe dial it back if I've ventured into that territory and I get similar feedback from others. Funnily, Lucerne actually wasn't in early plot drafts at all and I added her within the last month just for game balance reason but when I started writing her in I started liking her so much I've considered having her usurp the main character status.
Generally I would've preferred to have less narration and more visuals but art is hard for me so it takes me a lot of time to make stuff so the narration was a bit of a compromise to get it out on time.
Again, thanks for taking the time to play and write all this out it is very helpful!