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My first impression of the game was "wow I can click my own hat? and it changes colors? sweet" and then I clicked it enough times that I died. It was probably the most unintentionally funny thing that happened to me this DD. While tank controls and clicking stuff is intuitive, a simple" left click to attack" tip instead of just "left click" would probably help those with brain damage that like to click their own hat. I do like the visual on-character information more than UI (and yours is VERY small on my big screen). Another thing that's already mentioned is the movement. I think it should be possible to walk and turn simultaneously, instead of being locked in a turning state until you're ready to move again. It didn't give me any issues in combat, but I felt like I was in a traffic jam when navigating around the fences.

While it's still an early build, some of your design choices show me that you're moving in the correct direction. Will play again next time you submit.

Deleted 27 days ago