Your Tooltip popup on the beginning is way too big. How much Text do you expect to write in there?
Starting a Tutorial begins with me in the Pause Screen? Is this intended? Because it doesn't feel intended. Also displays 'MultiJump' at the bottom and place a landing sound.
Why can I sprint through the Air? Thats really weird. Apparently I can sprint while crouching aswell, at least it seemed that way. Its super slow either way, and if its possible, its a pain to input with strg+shift. Also isn't this Game about going fast? Wouldn't a hold to crouch be better then a toggle then?
Dashing seems to have a short stop at the end, getting rid of my current Momentum. That seems counterintuitive if its about going fast.
I'd also expect to vault over the tiny ledge in the tutorial automatically, instead of having to jump for that. Just as with the ledge climbing automatically when jumping.
Jumping higher from crouching beforehand also feels odd. Not something I would expect in a speedrun Game. For crouching, I'd expect when I start to crouch while running to slide me along the floor, keeping my momentum for a while, and to do something like in Warframe with that slide-spin jump thing to get super horizontal speed.
Mushrooms are Cute, the bouncing Sound is super cute.
The crouching onto mushrooms to boost me up into the Air makes more Sense tho.
The Slime pool slurp sound is disturbing.
The Vine Jumping feels odd, since they're such small patches. It would probably be fine if its more of a sticky wall with wallrunning and stuff, so you have a bit of freedom in space to orient your next Jump, with these small Vines, you again loose all your Momentum when on them.
Coin Sound is a bit odd.
Lava bouncing you instead of being like a Slimepool is nice. Can act as a good source of Speed I guess.
Reinforced Crates are odd. Why do you need another Crate Type?
I like that you can dash out of the Water, keeping your speed.
Falling faster when crouching makes Sense when thinking back to the mushroom etc. bounce boost on crouching. But it feels useless when you realize you end up in a crouched position which removes all your build up speed.
If you crouch on the Trap in the Tutorial, you don't jump very high, but are nearly stunlocked, so it took a bit to get out.
If I'm picking up crates etc. with LMB, shouldn't I also be able to interact with LMB?
Why are there 2 meters for the Jump? Isn't mana deduction enough already? Do you really need to limit it with Jump counter aswell?
Your Mouse doesn't disappear ingame, causing it to hover over the rather big Crosshair. At least sometimes. No Idea what triggers this, but I'm assuming its got to do with me tabbing out frequently to write this.
Why does the large Gap teleported turn me around? Landed in the Pool and had to move slowly back all the Way.
You also don't need the air jump to get over the corner Pool, you can just angle yourself without.
The Milk regeneration should be explained right after you get mana, so you can place it after every Tutorial section.
The Tutorial itself is way too long and textheavy anyway tho, so I think that should be reworked.
Why does Powerjump stop your movement? Why do I have to further slow down my movement by crouching, then stopping to powerjump? Why are your Jump abilities thinks you swap between with the Mousewheel? Thats ridiculous controls.
Hover Jump is a lot more Fun to use and better then Powerjumping, but again, why do I have to alter my Jumps? And why does it forcefully reduce the full amount of required mana and then goes on a Timer?
Why don't you just have Multijump, which immediately removes one mana, when you hold down space, you instead start to charge your Powerjump, which only slows your movementspeed instead of stopping it, and reduces mana slowly instead of immediately, increasing high based on how much mana you consumed. And while in the Air, the holding starts your hover, acting the same way on the mana reduction. And get rid of the extra Jump Bars.
That way I can dynamically choose how to jump in a current situation, without having to toggle between jumps manually, and keeping track of the Jumpmeter, and being screwed if I end up just slightly short of a jump, and with just one mana bar, so I can't hover. In the suggested way, you could then just hold down space after your final jump to get that tiny bit of extra hovertime you need to make it.
Why do I have to click on the Heart to make a Guess for the Guest? Why not interact with the Guest itself? Is this just a placeholder?
Your Dungeon Entrance is black when more then a couple of Meters away. Looks like a Bug.
Didn't bother with the actual Game after the Tutorial, I'm assuming apart from some new Rooms etc. its the same as last Time, I'm not good enough to beat it in Time anyway, and the Tutorial really sapped the Energy out of me.