A very interesting game! I liked how you had the bring the enemies together and how it wasn't the most difficult concept.
The art, music, sound design, and mechanics all seemed very polished; wasn't anything fundamental that I noticed was severely lacking. Good attributes that most game jam games don't have.
The mechanical theme with love was an interesting design choice, but it sort of works. If you want to continue the idea, it would be a cool theme to explore: love vs. logic, humans vs. machines
As stated before, the map layout and level design seemed sort of random and it was hard to know where you were. It was mostly just randomly wandering around until you found the correct people. I also wish the enemies were most distinct (rather than just a color change). Most frustrating part was having to restart all the levels if you died (which is pretty easy to do).
Otherwise, neat concept for this jam and keep up the work!