Hello! I played on Vive headset with Index Controllers on a 1070 GPU.
When I first launched the game, I got some warnings/errors about default constructors - you're probably referencing an object that has not been created yet in one of your constructor scripts. (Just a heads up). I also saw, what I think was fluid ninja errors - they disappeared quickly, so, unsure on that. Also saw a Texture Streaming error, which means you didn't allocating enough memory for your virtual textures (look up r.TextureStreaming).
Unfortunately, my frame rate made this game unplayable for me. SteamVR wants my frame rate to be at or below 11ms. Your game's frame rate was anywhere between 60ms - 100ms. So I could never quite tell what was going on. It also appeared that I was third person? Which was very disorientating. I believe this to be because the headset was not connected to the player character. So if I move left in real life, the game character does not - though they should.
However, from what I could see, the game was pretty and definitely unique for a VR game, so nice work there! I think if you want to continue this game, your main focus should be on increasing its FPS so more people can play.
Overall, good job making something for this jam - it's not easy!