Super fun! I got quite a few scares out of it. Nice work on the art too! The vertex shaders and floor UV adjustments make it all feel very uneasy. The AI feels well done too, I found that I could reliably break line of sight and run for cover.
I think if you were to take it further, the next thing to focus on would be either audio or objectives, currently surviving for 6 minutes makes the player hide in a corner for the duration, thus not engaging with the AI, if you force them to go downstairs then they would have to encounter the killer.
Audio would also go a long way to selling the horror, creaky floorboards, muffled killer movement, just a few effects could make all the difference.
Also a quality of life adjustment I think would be lowering the default mouse sensitivity, I found it to be really high and thus when I got a fright and flicked the mouse, and became disoriented, often staring at the ceiling or floor. Though this could just be a ludonarritive choice :P
Overall really great work! Id like to see it taken further