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A member registered Jun 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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Keep it up! Keen to see the updates :) 

Hi there! I really appreciate the feedback, I understand the frustrations of the UX,  it held back a lot of players that wanted to try so I've tried to improve that in the postjam update. It's just been uploaded now, I hope it solves some of the ease of use :) 

Thank you so much for playing! Im hoping to update at the end of this week with a bunch more quality of life features. Ill definitely be adding some highlighting to the tool selection and changing the cursor to that icon too. I hope you had fun with your time with the game! :)

Nice I really like the concept, I couldnt try multiplayer so I just had to solo it and imagine I had a friend next to me :') Maybe a rudamentary AI to play against if you're solo?
I agree with the game over screen, it would be fun to see your stinky opponent getting yeeted into space when you win. Hope you manage to get the tools in! They seem like fun :) Great stuff! Love the art

I dig the concept! Keen to see what its like upon completion :) Definitely worth taking it a little further to see how the puzzles feel

Super cool little game! Really polished and well thought out. Angry ball was surprisingly menacing, it could make a pretty interesting horror game if it were in some tight corridors :)
Well done! I dont think I have any critiques :)

I love this, Im a sucker for newtonian movement like this in 6 degrees of freedom. I played quite a few rounds and its got a really good feel to it. My only request would be some way to look around, I loved doing strafing runs but it often meant me flying into an asteroid I couldnt see. Also let the enemy take a couple more hits, I wanna see my shots hitting :P 
Great work, Id love to see that multiplayer. Ping me if you add that?

Very cool experience, I havent tried many driving games myself so I cant comment on the controller, but it felt good to me. I tried the drift mode a couple times and that held my interest. Im not sure if the paint changes the friction of the car, I couldnt feel a difference when driving over it, but it would be interesting if it affected you the next time you drove over it. Nice work! Solid sounds (though quite loud)

Very cool vibe, I think hand designing parts of the level will work well.
I like the concept of checking where you need to go then shooting in the opposite direction, but it was quite tricky in third person as the camera would often be obstructed.

I think grace bullets would be a good idea, if you've fallen a long time without shooting, you get an extra bullet.
Nice work overall!  

Very cute, loved the little laser pointer party. Very cute cat, very mischevious. A+

Very cool seeing the swarm tearing the landscape apart as they move. Sound design was cool but the gunshots got quite abrasive after some time, also I think adding a rapid fire mode would work well as it can get tedious clicking over and over.
The swarm is pretty intimidating, I think it would add a lot if you attached some audio to each enemy so you could hear them skittering around you. 
Overall, great physics effects, very intimidating atmosphere, World War Z vibes, I dig it.

Very fun little game, nicely wrapped up experience. I also recommend some sounds, they can go a long way to selling an experience. 
Really good chaotic vibe inside the shop, lots of debris and it ran perfectly on my machine, good job! 

+1 to the notes from Jaco. I would also suggest listing controls on the side of the screen so the player knows how to ride around. Also maybe a button to reset the character when they flip upside down, I had to restart the game whenever that happened.
You could also record a vid and show us what the game is capable of, I couldnt achieve much as my character kept on ragdolling ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Love the vibe, butt skating is a wonderful concept and Id dig to see this with some more polish

Amazing story, it really makes you feel like a man on too may gummies. 
I enjoyed the destruction a lot, it ran super smoothly to my surprise, not sure how you pulled that off but props for achieving it! From a gameplay point of view, it felt quite easy dodging the gummies, maybe if they became faster over time it would become overwhelming?
I also tried shooting the boulder to direct it but it didnt seem to work, I figured that could be a good way to clear lots of gummies. Maybe consider adding an impulse to the boulder from bullets? Then shooting the side of it could angle the boulder and you could steer it in a way.
Overall, a wonderful little trip. Great work.

This was lovely! I really liked the banter, though some of the speech bubbles ended a bit too quickly. I like that there's variety in the levels, each one had a twist that I felt added to the complexity and enhanced the overall experience. 
I think the throwing levels should probably have a limit on how many you can throw, otherwise the player can spam and win by sheer volume :P Though it is very fun to fill the screen with infinite bouncy balls. 
Overall, great work! 

Hi there! Im unsure what the goal of this submission is, W,A and D worked for movement but I couldnt move down with S. One of the pickups didnt seem to work and the other ended the application. What was the intended physics gameplay with this one?

Thank you so much for trying it out and for such comprehensive feedback! I 100% agree, I've already made the adjustments to clamp the plant size because a lot of people have been accidentally making scale 0 plants. They also now default to a reasonable size.
A random plant generator is a great idea too, will definitely look into that :) Ill also look into changing the cursor icon to the current tool when gardening, It makes perfect sense I just didnt think of it.

The help section showing up during gameplay might be a little trickier, I do agree that it would be the best experience, Im just a bit inexperienced when it comes to in game tutorialization so it may take me a bit of time to figure that out. Thanks again for trying it out! 

Heads up for anyone dealing with jankiness, I made a little video covering some common issues, these will be fixed in followup releases, but for now this is just some stuff to keep in mind.

Absolutely groovy. Dig the vibes, the lighting, the rhythm. Great stuff. I do feel that the timing is a bit strict with the inputs, it seems like there's leniency when pressing early, but if you're at all late then it just counts as a miss, not a near miss. I do also think more effects for perfect hits would be a good addition. I also couldnt focus on the ragdoll but I appreciate the freestyle mode to play around in :) 

Looks dope! Keen to see what the update entails, sorry to hear about the team getting sick, I hope the update goes smoothly. Ping me when it's up and I'll give it another go! :) 

Nice stuff! I dig the movement, Im not sure if this is intended but I found it a lot easier to move when tapping the key in that direction. I intuitively wanted to hold down the key and felt that movement was very sluggish that way, maybe note to the player that tapping is the best solution?
I also found that the objects were pushing the player around quite a lot, I glitched off screen a couple times and couldnt get back. Best time so far is 1:39 :) 

Brilliant design, I love running from side to side managing the tilt of the boat. It's surprisingly effective and it sells the feeling of sailing the high seas. My only wish is that you could tilt the boat just a liiittle more before it capsizes, it felt like it was inevitable at times. Its also quite tricky to read the waves and tell which way the boat will tilt next. Overall wonderful little game, I was able to make it to the final island using all the tools :D 

Amazing theme, I personally disagree with Jaco about the traditional third person controls with the camera, I think the tank controls and disconnected top aim work well for the vibe. I do have to agree with the movement feeling off though, to me it seems like the character's center of mass is very low, which often causes me to slip off of edges that I should be standing on. The elevator platform was too tricky for me, I was able to get up once and got promptly batted off. I love the constant stream of tigers chasing me down, very fun :D 

Amazing work! I also got stuck on the naming thing as I wasnt happy with no hat, ended up restarting and trying again, I got to the highway and the music was fantastic but there werent any cars so I just pretended :P After that I think the game got stuck, the narrator said I found the remote but nothing happened. Will definitely try again in the future, fantastic submission.

Really cool concept! The throw mechanic does seem quite inconsistent, it looks like it works when the cursor is not on the player character, my guess is the player model is blocking any further detection to pick up objects? Dope vibe, keen to try it again if there are any updates :) 

Hi there! You should be able to unpack the .rar with Winrar or I think there may be an option when right clicking to extract the files. Hope that helps! Ill try update with a .zip file tonight too, you may have to check the game page rather than the Jam submission (you can click the view game page link next to the game name at the top) 

Hi there! Thanks for giving it a try :) The help menu was the last task done before submission and it was quite rushed, Ive got lots in mind for how I can make the play experience more intuitive and will definitely be focusing on that for the post jam build :) 

Thanks so much for checking out the game! Great editing by the way, subscribed :D 

I appreciate the feedback! I agree, the movement is the greatest hurdle at the moment. I hope to improve the player experience significantly by release.

Super cool experience! gave me sweaty palms while playing. The atmosphere is so cool and the audio work is fantastic, I dig the camera work too, felt like a mini movie.
I like the depth added by slowing down to allow your self more room to balance, it feels meditative.
Great work everyone :) 

Not sure how good that is for the longevity of the show but it sure does get viewers! 

Beautiful and heart wrenching, Its a very interesting take on what I assume is dementia. Uncovering the story piece by piece almost as though you're in the narrators mind trying to connect loose memories. The gameplay connects with the story really well. Audio design is really satisfying, all the interactions with the cards. The final congrats sound felt like it came out of nowhere but it made me burst out laughing which I think was needed after such a solemn story. Great work!

Amazing work! Genuinely creepy, I loved the movement style and random events. A great thriller and good use of AI art to help the creepyness 

This is so cool! Flight controls are a ton of fun and Im glad you can walk around on the ground too. This was a pleasant surprise :D 
I felt that the fire breath was a bit short range, or at least the particle effect implied that. It would also be cool to  have some things to destroy in the air or enemies there, I felt that It was so much fun to fly around but all the objectives made me slow down and go to the ground.

Overall great stuff!

A nice challenge, and perfect for halloween :D I couldnt beat the grim reaper level though, even camping on the sign wouldnt work. Nice use of AI! Theyre pretty smart

Nice atmosphere, It took me a little while to realise I could interact with puzzle elements in the room though, maybe consider adding controls listings?
I also couldnt figure out what to do in the rooms with the 5 vertical pillars and 4 floating squares, I assume thats the end of the game in that direction?

Im glad you liked it! We weren't able to get as much story as we would have liked in with the gamejam time constraint, but there are pieces of the story littered around the flat, it does leave some up to interpretation :) 

Thanks! We've had mixed responses to the puzzles so I think we'll keep it as is, if we add optional puzzles in the future we'd be more comfortable making them complicated, but for the main line of puzzles to get to the end, we didn't want it to be prohibitively difficult.

Ah there we go! Thats great thank you :)