Hi! Most of my games are small zines or rulebooklets that are meant to be printed out. I also assemble them by hand on nice paper and mail them out to people.
It took me a while to find the Rewards system, but currently that’s the best thing on itch for selling separate things. (See http://mrfb.itch.io/standoff for an example of how I’m doing it.)
A few small changes to how that system works would make me really happy.
1.) When I get an email telling me I made a sale, let me know when there’s a reward associated with it! There’s surprisingly little messaging for “hey, you have to physically prepare a booklet and mail it out”
2.) I have a cache of about 5-20 of each of my games assembled and ready for mailing, but mostly I just have a giant stack of different kinds of paper, and I print and assemble booklets by hand when necessary. This is to say, an option for unlimited quantity rewards would be nice.
3.) A page somewhere where I can see all my currently unfulfilled rewards across all my projects. Maybe even with some kind of button to tell the purchaser that the thing is in the mail?