found LootLocker on YT with an explination how to set it up in 5 steps but didnt get it working totally so i searched for about 3 hours from A to B to C back to A and so on (in german you would call me a "Trüffelschwein" an truffle pig, research till getting mad or finally finding whats needed)
solution was that the tutorial uses coroutines and i did not in the howl game ( still learning beginner hobbist since June 2022, no idea of C, or C# and any Engine before only VBA knowledge) if you like i can give you access to the project files, already would have done in the jam if I only knew how to get the github running (my only backup is an external drive XD saving manually)
but be aware my code style is (in my opinion) a real mess XD
PS: this was the YT link: "" no real link else this commentaries would be captured completely :)