This was fun! Tweening the character sprites was actually a really smart way to give them character and movement without having to go through the hassle of animation. It probably saves a lot of time for the jam.
The idea of going down into a cave and collecting items to buy the progression upgrades is interesting. Could be expanded in a few different ways, especially if you can maybe find stuff down there to upgrade the vendors on the top, and maybe create shortcuts back to the surface.
Puppet master was a hard but rewarding boss, and I didn't want to give up. The attacks could possibly be telegraphed a bit more but hey it's a jam.
Maybe take a look at the velocity of the character when you run into a wall - not sure what the Godot nomenclature is but in Unity I'd clamp the velocity in that direction at zero if I hit a wall on one side. Otherwise you need to wait a moment for the character velocity to accelerate away from whatever it was going into the wall.
Also - my game would just fade to black when trying to enter the second house in the golem town underground, might just be me or a more general bug. Was able to return to the surface using the menu luckily enough.
The character voices were hilarious and charming.
It has been fun to follow the development of this on the discord, looking forward to seeing more!