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Yup, that's perfectly fine. The most successful past MVM winner, Pseudoregalia, was a 3d game.
"Trainsylvania" is a pun we came up with, based on "Transylvania"(the vampire place) and trains, though the final game unfortunately did not end up having that many trains lol. "Death" stole all your powerups at the beginning, so you'd need to go through the castle and get them back. Thanks for playing!!
Hi!! First, thanks for playing the game all the way through and offering such kind criticism :)
All your points are totally valid and some of them I plan on adressing, noteably the map and lack of trains. I wasn't really aware that the game was as difficult as it is, might adjust that sometime. Thanks!
This was super fun, great game.
I was playing on a controller and the character was amazing to move around, especially enjoyed swinging from grapple point to grapple point.
The art was okay, my favourite was the fluid character animations. Unfortunately some assets(one that immediately comes to mind is the great tree) were unevenly scaled and drawn in different artstyles, which made the whole thing look kind of visually incoherent in some places.
Music was great, it just didn't really stick out and just kind of played on and on in the background, which was the intent I guess x)
The map proved to be very useful, though despite that I couldn't find the last powerup required to break those stone blocks. Honestly I would've wished for the map to be a little more compact and more visually distinct instead of just being as large as it is currently, which would also make it easier to navigate.
Despite that, this is a really good game, I enjoyed my time with it a lot, keep making games!!
Hii, cool little demo you've got there.
Obviously I can't say too much on the metroidvania aspect or gameplay, since the playable area is tiny. I liked the character movement though, it was smooth and snappy!
The artists did a great job, this is very enjoyable to look at.
I don't have much more to say, as you mentioned on your game page, the game is unfinished, so I hope you folks manage to create a complete game sometime!
This game was so sweet! The idea of hurrying from one shelter to another is great and felt really well executed! One thing I may have tweaked would be some kind of incentive to move on quickly from shelter, so you don't camp around in a safe area until lightning strikes. Besides that, amazing game!!
Neat game! Really liked the aesthetic. Gameplay itself was rather simple, I personally didn't find stumbling around in the dark that fun but your silly little storyline was interesting. Great job on making this!
On a side note: It's awesome that you're making games at an early age! As an also not so old game developer, I commend your skills and recommend to just keep making games, they'll get better and better as you learn! :D
Really really cool game! Bit too difficult for me unfortunately, so I didn't play all the way through, but I really enjoyed the bit that I played.
I loved the movement! I can't complain about the simple act of moving around on the floor, acceleration and speed felt just right. Shooting the guns itself is satisfying, though the player feedback for actually hitting an enemy is a tad lackluster. The hurt animation seems inconsistent, and it's a little unclear if a bullet did damage or not. This was more of an issue with the ion gun than the shotgun(Since that usually just killed everything right away). I found enemies just a little too spongey as well, partly due to that lack of clarity. I would've also been more merciful on the player with how much health a pickup restores, and time limits on time trials felt far too tight. I'm a big fan of the kick! Killing enemies with a quick kick feels so great, and I loved the kick jump. Unfortunately wall kicking got kind of ruined by the wallrun. I also did get a little lost occasionally, since most rooms look kinda same-y, though this has been a universal problem across the jam, since decorating rooms properly takes a ton of time.
I liked the visuals, am a sucker for that PSX look. Sound design is great as well, I particularly liked the time trial theme, it's very catchy.
Amazing game, good job to the three devs!!
Here's the first half of my gameplay:
Hi there, cool game!
I'm a big fan of the grapple, though I feel like gravity might be a tad too strong, sometimes making it hard to align your hookshots properly. Not sure if there was none or I just stopped playing too soon, but there didn't seem to be any powerups, which is unfortunate, I think a dash/double jump and such could've been fun in combination with a grapple.
There's not a lot of art in this, but the bits of art that it did have were totally fine! Music felt a bit unfitting perhaps, but sound effects were pretty much on point.
Game's clearly unfinished, but if you expand on the whole grapple platformer bit and just polish a bunch, it could be a really awesome experience!
Sweet little game! It's the perfect length for a jam game, it took me about 10 minutes to beat it.
It felt great to play as the frog! Got nothing to say about the controls. Going into a door, collecting 4 keys(?) and getting the object created a nice little gameplay loop, and having gameplay be limited to one room really helps with not getting lost.
Art is neat! I have nothing to add on that, just, good art and animations. Music is funky, I like it.
Great game!