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(1 edit) (+1)

Nice game, but has some potential for improvement.

I liked the art although I found it a bit inconsistent, different styles and resolutions are mixed. The title screen art was very nice too.

There were a few bugs, although they weren't game breaking so I didn't mind them much. Some textures flickered and some things could be fallen through.

The scale of the world seemed to change quite a bit throughout the game, in particular when entering any of the side worlds.

The music was nice, although a bit repetitive and it didn't seem to loop perfectly.

I think a more detailed story would've been nice to explain why you're on the planet and what the thingies are for.

It was really quite an easy game where I never really got lost or had trouble staying alive. More enemies to fight could've been nice. Simply spamming the attack was a bit too easy.

I also think an explanation of the controls would be good. I didn't understand the blue bar until the end when I accidentally found out about the flying mode.

I didn't really feel that it was a metroidvania because there was no ability gated exploration. Picking up the thingies doesn't give you any abilities.

The spaceship location was a bit weird since it doesn't seem to be where you came from and it was unclear that it was so important.

Overall it was quite enjoyable, good job!


Thanks so much for the feedback!

It's my first attempt at a game like this, and I intend to take more time to iron out the wrinkles.