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A member registered Sep 12, 2017 · View creator page →

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Great game! I really liked it, but unfortunately it was a bit too buggy for me to complete it. I ended up clipping outside the world quite a bit, both when traversing the world and when restarting after death. I really feel that if you iron out some of these problems, then you'll have something really awesome!

Other general notes:

Perhaps a more gradual tutorial would be nice, where concepts and controls are introduced a bit more gradually, rather than all at once. Concepts like the inventory were a little tricky for me to grasp as well. When asked by the shop to get certain things first it wasn't really clear what they were. In the inventory and in the world they are icons, but the shop asks for them by their names, which got a bit tricky for me.

Doing things, like combat or clearing destructible walls felt great. I really like the screenshake and sound effects. It was very satisfying!

Upgrading your character to be more potent was really satisfying as well. The gameplay loop of gathering loot and then upgrading your character was really nice. Perhaps the main base should've been somewhere else in the level though? Backtracking through the mountain every time was a bit boring.

One clever thing I liked was how you introduced the destructible walls. Placing a turret on it that you instinctively try to smash was a very intuitive way to discover the breakable walls. Very nice!

I liked much of the artwork, but some of it was a little too noisy in my opinion.

Perhaps you could make it clearer where you can safely go and where a pit is deadly.

I liked the variety in the enemies. Their behaviors were nice and predictable.

I didn't understand that I could fight the black cube.. Maybe it could be made to look more enemy-like?

Some quirks I noticed:

You can heal endlessly in spawn, meaning you can be basically invulnerable in game.

The options button doesn't work, neither in the menu or in game.

If you do decide to work further on it after the jam, I'd be very interested in playing a later version with some bugs squashed!

I love the style, spritework and charming mood of the game. The music is very nice and fitting. I think some extra clarity and action when something changes, such as a door opening or when killing an enemy could be nice. I like the teases for different abilities that you come across as you explore. The patterns of movement and attacks for enemies are nice and predictable. Sometimes the background branches would confuse me and I'd try to jump on them, perhaps a greater differentiation between foreground and background would be nice. The characters you encounter are nice and varied, although the spider boss felt a little easy while still being quite long, until I figured out just where to hit it. The controls are responsive and feel good.

The game felt very well fleshed out and well polished, and it's particularly impressive for being made in one month! Very well done.

Glad you liked it! Yeah, I feel like metroidvania and horror actually works pretty well as a mashup. In fact, part of the reason I came up with the idea for this game is that Alien: Isolation, one of the inspirations for this game, had certain metroidvania aspects that I felt could be expanded further upon.

I did actually use Unity's 2D lights in this game, but I understand if you didn't notice since not a whole lot of things cast shadows in it. If you played on low quality, then shadows are completely disabled. I could probably have gone even further with the lighting.

Thanks for the encouragement and for playing my game :)

So glad you liked it!

Weird that you weren't let into the pod at the end. The ending is finished and there is a credits scene after it, but it seems to have bugged for you. You didn't miss a lot though. I can't replicate the bug on my end unfortunately.

I'll see what I can do to make the pop up messages less obstructive and I'll for sure be fixing the checkpoints, and will have the new version up at the end of the voting period! Could send you a message if you want. I'll also be fleshing out the story a bit more.

Glad you like the look of the creature, I'm very happy with it myself too!

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Nice game, but has some potential for improvement.

I liked the art although I found it a bit inconsistent, different styles and resolutions are mixed. The title screen art was very nice too.

There were a few bugs, although they weren't game breaking so I didn't mind them much. Some textures flickered and some things could be fallen through.

The scale of the world seemed to change quite a bit throughout the game, in particular when entering any of the side worlds.

The music was nice, although a bit repetitive and it didn't seem to loop perfectly.

I think a more detailed story would've been nice to explain why you're on the planet and what the thingies are for.

It was really quite an easy game where I never really got lost or had trouble staying alive. More enemies to fight could've been nice. Simply spamming the attack was a bit too easy.

I also think an explanation of the controls would be good. I didn't understand the blue bar until the end when I accidentally found out about the flying mode.

I didn't really feel that it was a metroidvania because there was no ability gated exploration. Picking up the thingies doesn't give you any abilities.

The spaceship location was a bit weird since it doesn't seem to be where you came from and it was unclear that it was so important.

Overall it was quite enjoyable, good job!

Ahaha clearly I didn't test the web version enough.. Well it seems that using the arrow keys to walk works as a workaround though. Did you manage to play through it anyways?

Thanks for checking it out :)

Would be great if there was a Windows port :)

Interesting tool, though sadly I can´t use it...

Looking good! I will try it out soon :)

I won´t disqualify you, however, getting a "Storage Efficency" score higher than one star will be hard.

This game is about 39-MB when unzipped! Please try to remove some assets so that the game is not over the limit.

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Could not run the game. Error message: The program can´t start because MSVCR100.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.

Okay, the file just needs to be somewhere accessible to users so that this  game can be rated with the "Storage Efficiency" criteria.


Interesting game!

Please provide a downloadable html-file for your game so that it is possible to check file-size.

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Please provide a downloadable gamebuild too - so that its possible to see file-size.

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The submission due has been moved 24-hours from 12:12:12 on October 24th to 12:12:12 on October 25th due to the small amount of games submitted; you now have time to finish you game and polish it! If you really don´t have time to finish it anyways, releasing the game unfinished is fine if its required - you can finish it on your own after the jam!

Any questions can be asked as reply´s.

I have added #32MBJam as the "official" hashtag on the Jam Page!

Thanks for the tip!

Good Idea!