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The starting room is incredibly intuitive, instantly showing off mechanics and save points. The starting weapon feels amazing to use.

The ropes were a bit glitchy at times, I ended up getting stuck for a while in an arena to the right. Combat was quite brutal unless you do it near perfectly, would’ve liked a second or so of i-frames. But good variety of enemies with clear unique sprites, attacks and movement.

What’s midground and what’s background is clearly distinguishable despite them being a same grey color in the first bit.

There were several empty rooms, in a row, not sure if that was intended. Also, I haven’t had this for any other web games until now, but the screen size was about as big as a DS. Maybe that’s just me though.

All in all, feels good to play.

(1 edit)

i know about the arena, and it makes it impossible to finish the game because of some bugs, idk why but i got in contact with the jam's creator to try to get a fix up if possible, and the start room was inspired by this cave story video 

EDIT: the bug has been fixed