This is a lot of fun! Typing some thoughts as I play:
- The SFX are really great, I love the screaming, and the jump sound fits nicely. I appreciate the varied screams and rescue pings
- I really appreciate the visual timer on the left so you know exactly how long you have
- I wish there was a restart button (is there?) sometimes I’d lose too many villagers and have to wait for them all to leave just to fail
- being able to use A/D in addition to arrow keys would be a nice QoL improvement. Particularly because space is the dialogue button, my hand always rests with my thumb there, so I have to specifically move away from A/D to arrow keys and then back
- I was going to say there seems to be no incentive to get more than 6 across, but this actually works well with the timer because it takes longer this way
- launching people between platforms was a lot of fun
- i think you did a good job with the balancing where I didn’t feel pressured but also lost a few times
- I chuckled when after a bunch of exposition one of the intros was just “another geyser good luck tho”
- I’m not sure repeating everything 3 times is worth it, since the mechanics continue between levels, once you do like one or two waves you kind of get the hang of it. I don’t have a good alternative in mind tho
- sometimes the platform would start so far away that i’d have to rush to get the first passenger on, which felt a bit pointless
- the last level was really really hard but I got there!
Good job!!