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A member registered Sep 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the feedback! I was worried the jump sfx would be a little much but I worked to balance it a bit so it doesn't blow out your sub speakers lol.

Hey thank you so much. I'm really glad you enjoyed it!

Hey thank for playing and I'm glad you enjoyed all the little gimmicks I threw in there.

I definitely could've and should've exported a desktop build in a zip lol.  I made another comment about a game jam I did that wouldn't let you upload zip files and you could only upload an installer so I thought that was the case here. After the rating period is over I'm going to put the .zip file up.

I think tuning the difficulty is the hardest thing to do during a game jam. When I did the first VIMJAM a couple years ago, I got a lot of comments saying my game was too difficult which I didn't think so while testing it because I had played the game 1,000 times before uploading it. Also the full screen thing is kinda just preference I think if you decide to take the game further, you can always start the game full screen but give the player the option for windowed/fullscreen

I'm really sorry about the installer... I did a game jam a while back that was game maker specific and for whatever reason the website hosting it wouldn't let you upload a zip file so the only option was to upload the installer. I thought that was the case for this jam but in the future I'll figure out how to make a web build as well as upload the desktop build so I don't turn people away with an installer.

Regardless, thank you for playing and I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Wow, thank you for the detailed feedback I really appreciate it!

I regret not having a restart button, or making the "Level Failed" prompt come up instantly after too many villagers in a wave died rather than having to get the remaining across only to find out you had 5/6 for the wave. Watching my friends play after the jam period ended I saw them yeeting the last villager into the lava just to restart the level faster lol.

Using A/D is a good QOL suggestion, I originally had the spacebar as the continue text button and the jump button but when testing I kept accidently spamming the jump button and skipping text between levels so I had a dedicated jump button and settled on the Z key. I like your idea of having more options for controls so left hand movers don't get tied up!

The three wave mechanic came up because I originally had all 30 villagers come out at the same time but it caused the player to wait for a long time to get all of them onto the first platform and the platform got super crowded. I also tried just having 10 villagers in one wave per level but it made the levels feel really short and didn't allow for enough time to get used to the mechanics. Maybe a more clear level failed condition or only having 2 waves would help out here?

Good feedback on the platform starting location. I didn't want it to start against the edge because I wanted the player to learn they have to move it to the edge to get the villagers on and I didn't want to start it inside a geyser or fireball because visually it looked odd. You're definitely right that it should start closer to the villager spawn, no need to have to move it all that distance at the start of the level.

All in all, thank you for playing and I'm happy you enjoyed it. That feedback will really help out when I can update the game after the Jam!

Great submission here, your team really nailed the artwork and sound/music were beautiful. I think I found a cheese method during the final boss, you can just hold the shield and never get hit by the lasers. I think I agree with some of the other comments that the controls felt a little floaty for the precision required to land on some of the platforms and one more tiny gripe I had were some of the spikes were hard to see especially in front of the houses.

All feedback aside this is one of the better games I've played in this jam and I gave you and your team really high ratings. Fantastic job!

This made me feel like I was playing Don't Starve, I liked the survival aspect and having to adventure out  into the woods to keep your fire going. The art style felt like a coloring book and it was all consistent throughout the game. The only change is maybe lower the difficulty curve, it got super crazy by the third level/day. Also I couldn't full screen the game, I'm not sure if I missed an option or if the game is just windowed.

Still liked this entry and I hope you take the game further!

This was a super clever take on the jam focus, it turned into a brain wrenching puzzle trying to figure out what inputs you need to keep and ones you need to leave behind to move on. Some of the levels got really difficult though, one toward the end with all the archers and teleporters took me a long time to get through. If you fix the weird responsiveness of dropping actions and picking them up from objects like some of the other comments mentioned, you could have something you could sell here!

I really enjoyed playing this one and you got high ratings from me!

The visuals were really impressive with this one, my favorite merc was the brain slug guy that just bashed his head against the ninja king haha. I'm not one for idle clicker games like this but I still really enjoyed this. Some feedback though:

I think if they delay between clicks was shorter or non existent it would make it a lot more satisfying. 

Some of the other comments mentioned it but I wish the mercs didn't despawn between rounds, it almost felt like having them manage my money was a waste of a perfectly good merc when they despawned.

One other nitpick I had was the text inconsistency with the HUD elements. Some were in a different font but that's not really a big deal.

Other than that, this was a pretty good entry and I feel like it could really expand exponentially outside of the jam.

Oh the screams were definitely over the top.

There was a prompt at the top of the screen that showed how many villagers you needed to get across to get to the next way but I'll admit it wasn't super clear what it meant.

I'm glad you enjoyed it, I guess the difficulty curve can be different for everyone but glad you got through it!

The visuals, character animation, particle effects, sound, and music make this game incredible for a game jam. I was stunned by all of that. I don't have much in the way of feedback except maybe to change the color of the action buttons you weren't supposed to press. I kept thinking I was too slow to click them and wondering why my character kept slamming into the wall. Other than that, phenomenal job! You got high ratings from me! 

Simple prototype, at first I was thought the space bar to switch left and right to move was a bug, but after I got use to it I think it was an interesting take. Good start!

I liked this submission a lot. The parry was punchy and satisfying and the whole environment looked really good for low poly art. The demon reveal after the tutorial was also really cool, I was not expecting that. It took me a bit to realize the shadows gave a lot more information than they allude to which was pretty smart since its hard to tell where the attack are in 3D space. The length of the demon fight was also perfect for a jam setting so kudos to you, this was really fun to play. I don't have much else as far as feedback except maybe change the easy mode to "default" and the medium and hard to "difficult" and "master". The normal mode was pretty difficult and might turn people away when they first start playing your game in a jam setting. Other than that fantastic job!

This fun and I loved the style of the 3D areas with the 2D gameplay. The puzzles were creative and it was really satisfying to rotate the different tools in order to click buttons or pull levers with simple but effective sounds. It was also a good use of color to show what the player can interact with. I don't have much for feedback but I think I cheesed the forklift puzzle by rotating my tools to clip through the floor a bit haha. Really great game and I'd say it was the perfect length for a game jam, hope you continue this in the future!

This was such a gem of a game, from the graphics and atmosphere to the cute fire sprite frantically running around to keep the fire lit. The gameplay loop was really tight and always had the player trying to manage resources. I think it did get a bit too difficult and hard to manage though, I wasn't able to beat the game. Regardless, I still had a lot of fun playing this and it was a fantastic submission!

That was pretty fun, I liked the flappy bird mixed with gameplay similar to the flying levels in Cuphead. The multi-use of the straw was a pretty clever take on the jam focus too. I think the only thing I would change is to not make the player die when hitting a platform or adding something like spikes to let the player know they are dangerous. Other than that, I really liked this one, and the heat wave distortion effect on the background worked super well!

The artwork and overall level design looked really good. The fireball charging mechanic also worked well with that satisfying click to let the player know it was charged and ready to shoot. I think some animation or particle effects on the enemies dying would really go a long way. Also some more backstory would help because the atmosphere was great but didn't have much meaning behind it. Hope you keep working on this because it's an awesome start to a cool game!

I got the mobile export and the default license before the subscription model. But I totally agree, I don't want to pay $10 a month just to export web games maybe twice a year...

I saw that this was your first game on Itch and your first jam as a solo dev so congrats for completing a game! I liked this puzzle game and the concept of the multiple rooms effecting each other. Little feedback if that's okay, I didn't know what I was doing until I saw in your description to click the item then press Z. I think a few in game prompts would help out the player. Other than that, congrats on your first solo game jam and first game on Itch, I hope you keep posting here in the future!

At first this was really difficult but after I figured out the hollow night pogo mechanic, it turned into a pretty fun little arcade game. Couple suggestion if you're looking for some feedback:

1)  I think making the players attack a bit bigger (larger hitbox)  because it was was pretty difficult to swing at the enemies with such a tight margin of error.

2) Also think making the players hitbox a bit smaller because sometimes I would die and it didn't feel like I really ran into an enemy

Other than that, this was a pretty fun arcade game albeit really challenging.

This was a fun one, it makes me wish I had someone to play two player with here. I liked the mario kart aesthetic with the items and it's pretty impressive to me you made a 3D game all in the jam period. I also liked the 2D sprites that fit well with the game. My only issue is the camera got really confusing when my car flipped, it got hard to tell what was going on but I guess that's how a car accident goes lol. Cool submission!

This game really gave me Hotline Miami vibes, super fun arcade like shooter. The time slow mechanic also felt great when weaving through enemies. The enemies shooting through walls did feel a little unfair, and my game did crash about halfway through the third level (I was playing the downloaded version). Other than that, pretty solid start to a game, I think a little more polish and you got something amazing here!

I've been thinking about switching to a new software for a while now. I figured when Opera bought out Game Maker it would improve the development of the IDE, which it definitely did but it also turned everything into subscription based payments and that's super annoying. I'll probably give Godot a try since the indie dev community has been saying a lot of good things about it. I'm just so used to Game Maker and have all the hotkeys ingrained in my muscle memory that it can be hard embracing a new software.

Also thanks for checking out the YouTube channel, I'll be making a video on this game since the development was pretty fun and started out looking completely different from the final product!

Thank you for playing! I hope the tutorial parts at the beginning weren't too confusing but it's always hard to tell when I'm first making the game.

Haha thank you thank you, but this is why I love game jams because we all get to come together and check out eachother's work!

The narration before each level started as a tutorial to teach the player but then it kinda turned into a bunch of jokes because for whatever reason I set it up in a way that every level had to have some sort of pre-level text so I just filled in whatever came to mind. 

My narration was still not as good as your game though, you had a whole story start to finish!

Hey, thank you for playing and I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'll go check out your game!

In the future I'm going to figure out how to use the HTML5 export option in Game Maker, I just didn't have the license set up before hand but hopefully that should let you play in the browser.

Thank you for the feed back though, and I'm glad you enjoyed my game!

(1 edit)

I actually played a little bit of Lemmings at a friends house when I was younger. The concept for this game came up because I thought, what if I make a platformer but you control the platform? 

I really regret not making time for a music loop, especially after playing your game that had such a satisfying sound track. Definitely going to focus more on that in the future!

Hey thanks for the feed comment! My friends and I had quite the laugh when I implemented all their screams for the villager deaths. I wanted it to be so ridiculous that it didn't feel super frustrating when losing a level because maybe I went a little overboard with the amount of lava... 

In earlier prototypes of the game I actually had the villagers walk back off the platform but It made for a lot of waiting/frustration and I decided to scrap it. But thank you for the feedback!

Hey thanks for playing! I was stuck on how I wanted the villagers to die from the lava and I had a weird bug where they flew to the top of the screen so I decided to just go with it. And that last level is a total nightmare, those poor villagers hah

This was an absolutely incredible submission. The sound effects were total nightmare fuel and the first time I saw one of the creatures coming towards me I actually got spooked by an 8 bit cosmic horror beast haha. The concept of rationing your resources worked really well here, "Do I use my last bullet to take a chance on this chest for more ammo or do I kill the demented creature barreling toward me?" Really great use of the theme choosing wood to provide heat for your family or to defend your house. The little story lines each night is what really sold it for me, sometimes they were a little funny but sometimes they really made you feel the dread of a post apocalyptic world. This felt like a great mix between Oregon Trail and Project Zomboid. My only suggestion would be to add some pathfinding for the enemies since after a little bit I realized they were easy to get caught on things and suddenly they weren't super threatening. Other than that, very good submission definitely one of my favorites from this jam!

Yeah the villager screams became a joke between my friends while I was working on this jam so I just had them record their screams and here we are lol. Thank you for playing!

Oh no sweat. That's how it goes in game jams. Always another thing we run out of time for lol.

I liked this little puzzle game. The grapple mechanic feels a bit fast though. I don't know if I'm dumb and you aren't supposed to stop the grapple in order to solve the levels but it felt a little to quick to make precise movements with it. Other than that I really liked the concept. I hope you keep going with this one!

I liked this entry and the upgrades felt great. I could tell you got some inspiration from vampire survivors and really implemented it well. I think a bit more animations on the characters, enemies and attacks would really sell the look of this game. I definitely understand it can be hard to animate all those assets in a limit time frame though. Really great job!

I think I'm a bit confused like, the tutorial is showing what to do but it seems unresponsive. I saw you had a bug after the second barrel that can impede progress so I think I was running into that. I can't blame you though, its the worst when you get a bug right before the deadline and you don't have enough time to catch it. Still like idea though, hopefully you can get it working after the jam is over!

This game was a blast to play, I loved the move to shoot mechanic even though it took a bit of getting used to. I also noticed you guys took a bit of inspiration from Risk of Rain which is one of my favorite games. Great implementation on all those pickups. 

My only two suggestions:

1) be able to open the chests with left click so I only have to use the mouse (it felt a little weird using my left hand just to press E)

2) The art style seems a little inconsistent with the player being pixel art and some enemies like the bizzare flying disk (which looked amazing by the way) being a higher resolution animation

Other than that, really solid game for a jam and I hope you update this further!