New Bug Update
I didn't really mean for you to deform the terrain tbh, I more meant there would be an object that latched onto that part of the terrain and would then pick values at certain coordinates within a certain radius to say how much rock was left in that spot, as for my other idea in underground traveling. I dunno what that would require, probably would involve deforming the terrain...
Anyway, decided to play some more of this update to see what else I could find since I never made it past the first level on the first try.
There are a bunchf errors relating to moving towards and away from an enemy, the errors I marked occured more than once throughout many playthroughs.
Error No. | Context | Cause |
Error 0: | Wild Boar(-52724323)'s route is being counted as success even though actor never reached requested destination: (179.2, 0.0, 204.0). It is 7.938799 away from that<br><br> | occured when Leandre was on his way to beat up the last boar on the first level . |
Error 1: | Route Request Callstack: Assets.Scripts.Components.RoutingComponent:RouteToLocation(Vector3, Single, GameObject, IRouteCallback, RouteOptions) Assets.Scripts.Components.Routing.RouteToRadiusDestinationPlanner:SelectCurrentRadialDestinationIndex() Assets.Scripts.Components.Routing.RouteToRadiusDestinationPlanner:SelectDestinationAndRequestRoute() Assets.Scripts.Components.Routing.RoutePlanner:ExecuteRoute(IRoutePlanOwner, RoutingComponent, ReferenceType) Assets.Scripts.Components.Routing.RouteToRadiusDestinationPlanner:ExecuteRoute(IRoutePlanOwner, RoutingComponent, ReferenceType) Assets.Scripts.Interactions.Definitions.<Run>c__Iterator0:MoveNext() Assets.Scripts.HelperClasses.<RunThrowingIterator>c__Iterator0:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutineManaged2(IEnumerator) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) Assets.Scripts.HelperClasses.CoroutineUtils:StartThrowingCoroutine(MonoBehaviour, IEnumerator, Action`1) Assets.Scripts.Components.InteractionQueueComponent:Update() <br><br> | Followed after error 0. |
Error 0: (I played another new game. ) | Route Request Callstack: Assets.Scripts.Components.RoutingComponent:RouteToLocation(Vector3, Single, GameObject, IRouteCallback, RouteOptions) Assets.Scripts.Components.Routing.RouteToRadiusDestinationPlanner:SelectCurrentRadialDestinationIndex() Assets.Scripts.Components.Routing.RouteToRadiusDestinationPlanner:SelectDestinationAndRequestRoute() Assets.Scripts.Components.Routing.RoutePlanner:ExecuteRoute(IRoutePlanOwner, RoutingComponent, ReferenceType) Assets.Scripts.Components.Routing.RouteToRadiusDestinationPlanner:ExecuteRoute(IRoutePlanOwner, RoutingComponent, ReferenceType) Assets.Scripts.Interactions.Definitions.<Run>c__Iterator0:MoveNext() Assets.Scripts.HelperClasses.<RunThrowingIterator>c__Iterator0:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutineManaged2(IEnumerator) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) Assets.Scripts.HelperClasses.CoroutineUtils:StartThrowingCoroutine(MonoBehaviour, IEnumerator, Action`1) Assets.Scripts.Components.InteractionQueueComponent:Update() <br><br> | occured when I was simply moving a villager out of the way of a boar. |
Bug: market floor tile undefined. | ![]() | |
Bug: Ongoing Battles | Music continiously plays and the threat stays on the map, this also leads to the knight never healing. | If you run away from a fight the battle technicly doesn't stop. |
Bug?: No Harvesting. | If the crop patches aren't built in a specific way they can't be harvested, despite how they look like they should be able to be harvested from all sides. |
- There is a great lack of food on the first level, by the time you get to 6 cats the food runs out way too fast, also it would be great to let the player know somehow that you can buy food at the market, took me a while to remember that the market can be an alternate food source. :P
- Have houses naturally build in the rotation of the camera.
- I don't see a download link for your game anywhere on your new site, the closest thing I could find is a link leading to the forums. :P
- You should reallly be able to select a specific job a vllagr can do, like you could set one to primarily look for rock, or another to look for food, anways I figured that would be neat, it would also help if you could see the activity that a said unit is currently working on in the population roster.
- It's kinda awkward how you always start with less capacity on your cat roster than the amount of cats you start with on each house, you should atleast have houses for the current amount of cats you are allowed to start with, also the tavern could do with the ability to store more cats than just 2 in my opinion.
- I think apprentices should be able to step down from their career.