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Thanks for playing and your kind words and detailed critique.  And yea I totally agree with you on the camera placement and actually tried to address it during development but wasn't able to figure out how to get the look ahead working right.  Player is mostly center of screen because in some sections you go to the left.  I use cinemachine and I know it's possible to have the camera look ahead of you more regardless of which way you are facing but haven't figured that out yet.  Learning my way around cinemachine and using multiple virtual cameras and zooms, camera shake etc. is something I wanna focus on before my next jam.  By the way the camera system in your game stood out as really stellar and was the best I've seen in the jam so far.  Thanks again for playing!


Thanks for noticing our camerawork. I personally think that it was one of the most troublesome thing to tweak in the whole game. We noticed the issue around 1 or 2 weeks into the jam and tested out a few solutions before settling on the current one. 

We used the ProCamera2D package to handle it, but are seriously considering using cinemachine since it is better integrated with Unity’s pixel perfect extension. Either way, I think it’s worth the time experimenting with it. All the best on your future projects!