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A member registered Apr 03, 2021 · View creator page →

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Awesome! Glad you found it useful.  If you end up releasing anything you used it in i'd love to check it out.  Also I'll be uploading another pack in the next couple of days that'll be public domain as well.

Im a bit of an asset basher myself so totally get that! I only recently started doing my own art so the majority of my games are made from various itch packs.  If you ever upload your project I'd love to check it out! A link would be super appreciated

Thank you! I think the lava tiles are my favorite part of the pack

This game blew my socks off! when she reached the mountains I nearly lost it. Nicely done!

Liked your take on the theme. I liked how simple and intuitive the controls were.  It initially wasn't obvious to me that you would need to be smaller to break the glass but I eventually go it.  Was able to clear the game in under ten minutes which I think is a perfect length for such a big jam. Nicely done!

Nice take on the theme! Liked the monochromatic colors and the animations on the worm.  The sound design was wacky and a cool addition. Nicely done!

Nice take on the theme! Liked the monochromatic colors and the animations on the worm.  The sound design was wacky and a cool addition. Nicely done!

Really cool take on the theme! Fun to play with lots of polish and the intro cut scene was a super nice touch.

These are fantastic! Some of the best 1bit stuff I’ve seen on itch!

This is the first time I’ve seen somebody use one of my assets in a game! So cool! Game looks really neat from the gifs. I’m on mobile right now so I can’t play but gonna check it out tonight. Thanks for using my tile set and thanks for the credit!

These are all really great! Thank you for sharing and thank you for making them free. Some of the better 1-bit stuff on itch

Nicely done!  Really cute and very readable. Nice job on the shading as well.  If you end up doing anything more with this I think some animations would totally be worth the effort on this one.


All very useful info! Thank you for taking the time to write it out! Will update the page tonight to with all of this implemented. Also thanks for running such a cool jam. Definitely plan on participating in more moving forward.

Yea I’m gonna update the winter one before jam ends to have the license in the metadata and license link be full name.

Ohhh I see OGA is Open Game Art. Yea I can definitely add it there!

I’m honestly not very well versed on licensing at all. I just used CC0 because it’s what Kenney uses and I want it to it to be in the public domain with no need for attribution. I can definitely add it to metadata and I’ll look into OGA after work. Happy to change it to that if it’s more appropriate for the jam. 

Thank you so much you made my day! Your tile sets are really cool by the way!

You are a very patient man. Thank you for taking the time to develop and maintain such a powerful and awesome tool and making it open source to the community! 

This game looks sick and right up my alley. Is it still in development

thanks for the kind words glad you enjoyed it! Also happy to hear of another Winston fan. Not enough people know his music. I wish I could take credit for the sprites but with a few minor exceptions it’s all assets. I just pick a palette and convert them in aseprite. They are all linked in the game page if you wanna check any of them out.

thanks for playing and glad you liked the story. Was worried it was gonna be annoying for people. I do have coyote time implemented but probably should add more time if it’s not even noticeable. Saw some of your game in vims stream earlier and it looked dope and with tons of polish. Gonna check it out tomorrow and rate it.

Nice job on your entry!  I enjoyed your take on the theme and you mixed crossed paths with check points very nicely.  Some of the puzzles had me scratching my head but was able to get there in the end. 

Fun game and really cool interpretation of the theme. Had a lot of fun with it.  Music paired nicely with the gameplay as well.  One of the levels I think the fifth had some platforming that to me appeared to only be possible using coyote time which could be a little bit frustrating but other than that really solid entry!

No need to credit in any way, but if you do credit you could just use the name Omniclause in whatever way you want.  Would love to check out your game though!

Cool take on the theme and very unique mechanics as well!  Some of the puzzles took me a minute to figure out but I got there.  Nice mix of puzzling but fast moving.  Enjoyed the cohesive art and sound effects as well.  Nice job on this entry!

Ton of polish on this one and had a lot of fun with it.  Really like your take on the theme. 

Cool take on the theme and nice implementation!  I enjoyed my time with it.  Could of been longer but hey it was only 48 hours.

One extra note:  If you put the game in full screen mode using the blue built in unity full screen button and not the white and black one you can tick on from your itch page it makes the 2nd level unbeatable because you don't have enough space on screen to wind back.  Not sure how you would fix that because I've never implemented this type of mechanic into a game before but I will say because so few people seem to know that if you want your WebGL build to go to proper full screen you should include the built in unity button and untick full screen on your itch page.  Even blackthornprod uses both buttons on their webgl builds which surprises me.

funny take on the theme and really enjoyed the physics of the ragdoll.  Nice challenge but was able to finish after 4 tries.  I thought the music was nice and fitting of the game but thought some sound effects and maybe particles or some kind of visual flair would have brought the game to life more.  Either way solid entry and I enjoyed my time!

Really enjoyed this one! Perfect length for a game jam and you had a lot of content in here.  I really like that you gave the player enough platforms and items to find the solution in several different ways and to have pieces left over.  Kept it from being overly frustrating and kept it fun.  Good job!

Cool little game with a neat take on the theme.  Some basic sounds would've been nice but had fun with it either way.

Really liked the idea of controlling the obstacles instead of the player.  Interesting mechanic and nice implementation.  A few more levels would've been nice, but I suppose it's better to leave the player wanting more than for them not to finish the game at all and it was only 48 hours so I totally get that.

Nice job on your entry.  I enjoyed the art and thought you did some pretty cool stuff with the platforming mechanics.  Also Had a nice number of rooms as well.  If I could offer a couple of areas for improvement for game-feel I would say implementing a few effects or animations on stage reset and stage exit would add a lot of cohesion to the game.  When you touch the exit door and just immediately pop to the next level it can feel a little bit jarring and same when you touch the wall and jump right back to the beginning of the level.  Also it was slightly annoying when you died on certain levels and the rising platforms didn't reset and you just had to sit there and wait for them to come back down.  Small annoyance though nothing too bad.  Perhaps reload the level upon death instead of just moving the player back to the start.  Either way it was a solid entry and I definitely enjoyed my time with it.

This has been my favorite entry so far.  The idea is really solid and the implementation was perfect.  The player controller felt very smooth and the platforming was very satisfying.  I thought the puzzle lengths were perfect to keep you from getting annoyed in the context of a jam.  The amount of interesting mechanics introduced made the puzzles never feel to similar. Loved the art as well.  This is one of the few entries so far I've felt motivated to get to the end on.  Was a little disappointed there was no pay off for beating them all even if it was as simple as a "thanks for playing" but with the amount of polish and content in your entry completely understandable you weren't able to fit something in with the limited time constraint.

Cool take on the theme.  Really like the art and the gameplay felt smooth.  Being able to slow down the fish while airborne was a nice quality of life touch. While I enjoyed the music I would say it was a little too trebly in a slightly unpleasing way on the ears but possibly that is just me.  Either way really solid entry!

Thank you for your very detailed feedback and glad you enjoyed the game.  I must say I agree with all of your critiques.  I probably won't be doing anything else with this game, but plan on doing sequels to kit-twins every year for the GMTKJam for the foreseeable future.  I really like the idea of having something low stakes for the player to do i.e. collectables like you said in the little chill sections between the puzzles and probably will do something like that on next years entry.

really liked this one a lot. Great use of the theme and player controller felt really nice. I also thought the art was very cohesive. 

had a lot of fun with this one! Loved the theme implementation was really cool and the mini games were all fun and you had a unique art style. Always love the opportunity to play with a game pad on a jam game as well. Wish it was more commonplace. Well done!

nice interpretation of the theme! Really loved the attention to detail throughout and especially loved the narration. Nice job!

Cool take on the theme.  Very satisfying and nicely polished.