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Very cool concept and is something more interesting and different from other jam gams! Character srpites are very good, although the UI I think clashed with the syle. My only nitpick is just the writing being a little weak and having mostly bad grmmar made it hard to follow some times. Otherwise very good job, the technical implementation is a lot of work to undertake in only 10 days.


Thanks for your feedback!

You hit a nerve,  especially grammar is something I have to work on badly.

When I start developing my game I didn't know how much work was needed honestly. Also I had only seven days 'cause I was busy on the weekend. I totally understimate it XD This is something I will take on account next time, I will reduce the scope to have more time to polish later.


Well if you keep practicing you'll get there. Luckily there are no ratings for grammar etc.
Still, full marks for technical implementation I gave. Doing a system like that in 7 days would absolutely do my head in, the one I made was already hard enough and that was more simple.


Your game is awsome as it is! In the end if mechanics are good doesn't matter how hard they are to make. I gave you 5 stars for implementation too ;)


Do you know the website It's a pretty good translator. It might help fixing the grammar next time. I use it all the time to be sure :)