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Burn The Witch!View game page

Submission for Vim Jam 3
Submitted by plasol (@plasol_games) — 49 minutes, 30 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Technical Implementation#223.6473.647

Ranked from 17 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game implement the focus, Multi-Use?
You collect words that can be used in multiple ways to solve the mistery.

Team Size

Solo (1)


Complete Game

What tools did your team use to construct the game?
Unity3D, aesprite, beepbox.

Which art and audio did you / your team NOT create?
I create all the assets.

Which art & audio did you / your team create BEFORE the jam started?
None, all assets were made during the jam period.

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Score: 41/42 

That was a pretty cool game with a unique and interesting concept! The character design and sprites are very nice. I enjoyed your game a lot.

What could need some improvements are the UI. Everything is rather big and having to switch pages in the hot words windows was a bit annoying. What I think would work much better would having the hot words box open all the time and all words on an page and underneath it there could be the three actions: move, ask, and link. If you now want to move somewhere or ask something just grab the word in the hot words box and drag an drop it onto the action. Just an idea :)

Overall a very enjoyable game and of course I did not burn Luna. She deserves better!

Great work!


Thanks for playing and for your feedback! And I'm sure Luna will be thankful too!


Loved the game. I got 43/42 (on first time I clicked spared.) There is a lot of detail in this game. I like the character design, but the UI doesn't fit. The wording was a little rough, but always understandable.

I was a little worried right at the end, as it doesn't indicate when you found all the information, I had to recheck every area to make sure I didn't miss anything.

Having an indication of what you've already asked would've been nice, especially when I was trying to find all the info. The bonk sound effect was really loud whenever I cancelled an action.


I appreciate your feedback!

Technically the heat bar indicate if you found every key piece of information, but it doesn't do his job properly. A counter would have been better. A visual to indicate wich words you have already asked was in my to do list, but I runned out of time before getting there.

I'm glad you played through the end. Thanks for playing!


Did I really just spend 3 hours trying to uncover the truth just to get a score of 39/42?


Did I love every second?


This is definitely one of my favourite games of the jam and I cannot imagine how hard it must have been to put together. I loved it!


Thanks for playing, I'm glad you liked the game! You made my day! :)


Very cool concept and is something more interesting and different from other jam gams! Character srpites are very good, although the UI I think clashed with the syle. My only nitpick is just the writing being a little weak and having mostly bad grmmar made it hard to follow some times. Otherwise very good job, the technical implementation is a lot of work to undertake in only 10 days.


Thanks for your feedback!

You hit a nerve,  especially grammar is something I have to work on badly.

When I start developing my game I didn't know how much work was needed honestly. Also I had only seven days 'cause I was busy on the weekend. I totally understimate it XD This is something I will take on account next time, I will reduce the scope to have more time to polish later.


Well if you keep practicing you'll get there. Luckily there are no ratings for grammar etc.
Still, full marks for technical implementation I gave. Doing a system like that in 7 days would absolutely do my head in, the one I made was already hard enough and that was more simple.


Your game is awsome as it is! In the end if mechanics are good doesn't matter how hard they are to make. I gave you 5 stars for implementation too ;)


Do you know the website It's a pretty good translator. It might help fixing the grammar next time. I use it all the time to be sure :)


The game mechanic is simple and interesting. You should change font from the default one, to a more appropriate one. It's a story game base, seeing the eyes of your character, and animate their face could help give some emotions to them. UI should also be worked a little, with  graphics related to the epoch, and not using so saturated colours. The investigation looks interesting (but requires me too much time for a jam, so I did not discover all ).  Hope it helps.


Thanks for your feedback!

I focused more on the story rather than anything else, so the graphic is not very refined. I agree that the UI needs to be improved a lot, now is completely disconnected from the setting and the mood of the game.

I kinda like the no-face style of the characters. I made it so on purpose. It's a style I saw in another game and I want to try it (also it saved me some time, ahah). I understand your point when you say that expressions help give emotions to the character. I will think about it.

I hope you enjoyed the experience overall and you had fun time whit my game anyway! Thanks for playing!


This is an interesting take. I like the multi use of words. It was interesting enough to follow the thread of the interconnected meanings of the words and it did a good job of creating the world. I found the pace a bit slow, but that's not the worst thing in the world. Good job


Thanks for playing!


This was very fun. Lots of characters to talk to, and an interesting little mystery story that unfolds through a neat gameplay system.

The music was pleasant and didn't outwear its welcome. The character sprites were attractive.

The backgrounds could have been more detailed. Also, there were typos at various points.

Note this bug at the end. If I keep clicking "Spared," the score keeps increasing.


I added this bug on the game page. You actual score was the first you saw on the screen.

Thanks for playing and for your feedback!


Really Cool Game, I Didn't Really Know How To Play At First But Later The Game Felt Really Good After, I Like The Art. That All, Good Game ;P


Really cool game! I didn't understand like 1/4 of the stuff because my english is is pretty bad when it comes to words like these.

But I enjoyed the game anyway.

The peep sound got pretty annoying very quickly, but turning it off didn't change the experience too much.

At the end it kind of asked things that I could have never answered correctly, and I had literally no idea if the witch should be burned or not. Oh whatever.

Again. Very fun game!


Thanks for sharing your feedback!

I'm sorry that the lenguage barrier prevented you from enjoying the game to the fullest. To be honest, I'm not a native english speaker either. It was kind of a struggle to came up with the dialogues, I checked the translator all the time. I want to make a game like this also because was a challenge for me. That reminds me when I played Ace Attorney: Miles Investigation english when I was in high school. My english was so bad and that was a real struggle, but I think it started getting better after that. Not that my english is perfect now, but I can play an Ace Attorney game easily lol.

So, don't be to worried, It's all practice! I'm glad that you enjoyed my game anyway and spent some time on it. Thanks for playing!


This is a really interesting game design. Lots of dialogue to explore, although the number of combinations felt a bit too much at times and I sometimes found myself brute-forcing through them. The ending is clever and ties it together nicely (even though I wasn't expecting to be taking a test! It would be nice to see which ones I got right/wrong). Very nice music and sound effects. Great work!


Thanks for the feedback and for playing my game!

Maybe there are too many hot words, and consequently to many option. I spend a lot of time on the dialogues. Obviously there are some more important than others, but I tryed to make that evry dialogue helps to understand  better the story or the characters.

Give a feedback for the last part is a nice suggestion, it haven't even cross my mind lol.


I don't have alot of words to describe this game , you simply tried your best and you made something well made and very polished its stunning and amazing you did very well , therefore I'll give you a solid 5/5 for everything! :D


Wow, I'm glad you liked my game! I tend to be more harsh when judging my own works. It's nice to hear such an enthusiastic opinion!


its normal to criticize your own creation its entirely fine but not always , don't be harsh on yourself , you made an excellent game that I truly like , plasol!


This game brings something different to the table and it succeeds in that manner! A lot of fun just trying to be a medieval detective that actually cared about justice! (Review: Good Game)


Thanks for playing!


This was a pretty fun submission, I like the detective style game, there were definitely some points where I felt like I was just clicking every option I had to discover more words when I got stuck but the story line was really good for a game jam. I love how it all came together at the end like a mad libs story.


Thanks for the feedback!

I totally understand your point, I definitely  should have included more interactions. I was afraid that it could become too hard given the large number of option. Maybe a question that the player must answer by choosing beetwin a subset of words can be an interesting addition.


DAMN that was such a good game loved it so much! especially getting words and then using them all to solve the mystery in the final report! (btw if you keep pressing the button that shows you how well you did it just doubles your score)


Thanks for the feedback!

I implemented the ending in a hurry, the time was running out. I didn't have time to replay it after the final build, I'm sorry for this inconvenience and other bugs. I hope you liked the story and had a nice time playing my game!