Nice game, though seems to have a few bugs that need fixing. The replay buttons seem to not work, you have the option to click on the other type of kettle/ball to launch, but doing so will also launch it at the same time, and lastly the count near your launcher doesn't match up with how many shots you have, so by the last playable level or sometimes just level 2, it will be listed as negative.
Otherwise, the only thing you might want to change up is your firing meter, it's listed in percent but only goes up to 10% as full, and just in general, since it's mostly transparent, the texture behind it makes it a little hard to read. Plus I'm just not entirely sure why the charge is needed as I couldn't tell that the speed changed anything other than just going faster, which no matter what, it will still go the same distance. perhaps you could add a block that you break if you go too fast, but if you're slow enough it lets you bounce off so you can collect another gear. who knows, maybe that was your plan but you just ran into issues with coding it or the time.