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A member registered May 17, 2022 · View creator page →

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Yeah, I think it would have been good to have different drinks introduced as the game continued or something maybe!

Thanks for the feedback!

Variety in sprites is a good idea!

Thanks for the suggestion!

Glad to hear that even as a non-native speaker, the game was understandable! Making sure that the dialogue was understandable, but not too easy was something we had to fiddle with!

Really glad to see it worked out, and you were able to complete it!

I will pass the good word along to the team!

Thanks so much! I agree, I really like the genre and idea, and am still working on it slowly but surely, so hoping to keep progressing!

Thanks for checking things out!

As you might have noticed, yeah, we basically didn’t have enough time to get things functional, attacking and capturing don’t really function fully, as you may have noticed.

I’m still working as we speak on furthering the concept and getting things like attacking and capturing working, so stay tuned!

I’ve noted down the overlapping selects as a bug so thanks for that one, and thanks again for checking things out despite not being finished!

Love the idea! Very relaxing, I’ll keep an eye on this, but I think the idea is a really good one!

Yeah, I figured it was a time thing, not 100% sure how I’d handle an implementation of that myself haha!

Happy to help, hope to see you keep pushing through!

Haha, understandable! I do think the enemies shouldn’t be able to hit the player twice in one cycle, seems a bit unfair imo, so good feedback!

Thanks for playing ;)

I love the sound effects on this one haha!

I will say this is definitely a very difficult game, and I think it could have been eased into a bit more, something that intuitively forces you to pick-up a flower after shooting it or something in order to make sure the player knows that recharges your meter!

Otherwise, fun game though!

Wow, this one was really good! And all made by one person? That’s kind of nuts haha!

Overflowing with personality, and aesthetic, and the gameplay feels pretty good!

Not to mention the music is wonderful!

I had some weird performance blips which I’m unsure what happened, as the game kind of stopped randomly a few times, but I did love the introduction showcasing the abilities and how to play very naturally!

I also was a bit confused about the like, stealth kill mechanic, sometimes I would get the prompt for it with enemies in bushes that I didn’t even know were there, not sure if something could be done to clear that one up.

Otherwise, great game, I’d love to see what you do with this, if anything further!

Fun puzzle game! I love the little ghost, and there were some creative ideas!

I feel like the controls could use some polishing as others have said, and maybe something that snaps the gems into the pedestals or something, because I did feel like I was fighting with that sometimes.

I also love the little victory sound effect on level complete ;)

Well done!

Great, especially for a solo first jam game! The game has a really fun concept!

I think the game would have benefited a ton from a few simple blips and bloops, but I do like where things are going!

The game would also definitely have benefited from focus a bit more on the trash collection aspects, to save time for other polish.

Love what’s here though, keep them coming!

Ah, haha, yeah I didn’t see, so maybe tune it up a bit!

Great job! Hope to see more from you!

Nice polished game, a nice little arcade game!

Not reading the instructions, I didn’t quite get it at first, but I picked up on it pretty quickly, so maybe some kind of effect when you are over the lit paths in order to denote it’s charging your ship?

Otherwise, great game!

Loved the aesthetics and the introduction! I did get kind of stuck at the part where there's a gap and a bunch of torches in the previous room, and I couldn't figure it out, but the game is fun and I love the little mouse cursor!

Very fun idea! Having the character only be able to cross specific areas while the light is over it is a cool idea!

I wasn't able to complete level 4 due to falling through the floor, and the game not resetting.

Another thing was the character is a bit large honestly, it felt a bit odd scaling wise to me, but idk.

Glad you enjoyed it!

We had a few different concept variations, and we could have done that, but I think it would kind of sidetrack the stop-and-go nature of the game.

We might reduce the time the lights are off though, just to keep things moving, right now I believe the lights off and on time is the same.

Thanks for the feedback though! It's good to note!

Glad to hear you enjoyed it!

I agree that it is a large team (largest I've worked on), and yeah, I think since this is our first time working together, we only have up to go!

We will be back after polishing this up, and maybe a bit of a break!

Haha, you know, I never thought of the game resembling statue/red light green light, but you're right it very much does!

Thank you very much, and glad you enjoyed it!

Glad you enjoyed the game! 

Additional levels and enemy variety are definitely things worth exploring in the future, I think we definitely could have allocated more time for level design haha.

Maybe some polish coming post-jam? Stay tuned!

Thank you for playing! I'm glad I was able to have the submission fixed! We are proud of what we achieved!

Hey! Glad to hear you enjoyed our game!

I do think the numbers on the speed could be tweaked a bit, as well as the timing of the lights, we wanted to keep things frantic and action packed, but I think it could still use some tweaking.

Glad to be here, and hopefully going to do more in the future!

Awesome, glad to hear you enjoyed it! The last level even gave some of our team members some trouble haha

Happy to hear you enjoyed it! 

Lots of great feedback too! I think this game would definitely shine even better with some polish in general, especially with a few extra sounds and visual effects, as you mentioned.

And yeah, the UI could definitely use some padding haha, added that to our feedback list!

Much appreciated!

Made us all LOL 😂

Glad you enjoyed the game! The last one was hard for some of us too haha

It was a combination of this, and something strange where we had set the main scene incorrectly I think, but should be fixed now!

Thanks for your help!

Windows .exe should now be fixed!

Just noting, I re-uploaded after opening a ticket, and the game is now functional in web and other platforms!

Just noting, I opened a ticket and was able to re-upload and fix!

Game should be fixed now, let us know what you think!

Should be fixed now, let us know what you think!

UPDATE! I got the mods to let me re-upload, and the fix was just... try again? I'm not questioning it haha

Update, the .exe and Web versions are fixed for the game now!

This was done in 4.2, so I'm not sure if anything extra needs to be done, but I did enabled the SharedBufferArray support after that suggestion, but it seems things are still not functional.

Let me know if you have any other thoughts or ideas, I am curious why it's not working now, even if it can't be considered for the jam.

Enabled the SharedBufferArray support in itch, but I am still seeing a gray screen when launching the game, not sure if there's something more I need to do there.

Any help is appreciated! We did not test this at all and uploaded it at the last second, but I think lessons were learned at least.

Yeah, that one really puzzled me, after the jam, I re-built it, and it worked fine seemingly, but yeah the .exe doesn't seem to work.

Yeah, let me know if it works any better, but I rushed to upload this last minute, and didn't check this.

It seems like despite this, the game goes to a blank screen for me, so not sure what else I missed ;/ (Godot 4.2)

Apologizes! We ran out of time and had to try our best to upload what we had untested, and it unfortunately did not run for some reason!

I was able to get it running afterwards with seemingly no adjustments, at least on the .exe, so I'm not 100% sure what happened.

Will let you know when we are able to get it working again, sorry!

Yeah, we ran up to the deadline, and didn't have any luck with the web version for some reason, same with the .exe, and I'm not sure exactly why, as I was able to get it to work following the jam perfectly fine.

Will let you know after the jam when I can finally update it!

Gotcha, I just checked the "SharedArrayBuffer" setting in the settings for the itch project, and that got it to go to a grey screen.

the main filename in the zip is the index.html file, but seems to still go to a gray screen.

I was able to get a version running on the desktop with the .pck file included afterwards, not sure why the desktop one is broken.

Really it was a rush to the finish, and didn't spend any time actually testing the game, hence why it doesn't work haha, but hopefully I can update it after the jam or maybe reach out