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Hey folks, I thought I'd give a little feedback on the game. For reference: I've played for like 20-30 minutes and got the vacuum and portal cards.

Very cute artwork, the dialog is well written, and the card mechanic is really cool, once you figure it out. Has a lot of heart, and you can feel that.

Time for some hopefully constructive criticism.

For my liking, the pathing was too confusing and I didn't know what to do most of the time. I was more or less searching blindly for something to do in the game. It would be nice, especially in the context of a game jam, if you did get handheld a bit more to find tasks and their solutions.

I think a good solution would've been to make the room a little smaller, then you could've reduced the movement speed of the character a little too, it feels a bit fast to me.

A little tutorial on the cards would've been nice, but probably wasn't possible due to the time constraints.

The button layout "P" to use abilities not too great in my opinion, the game is primarily played with wasdf and space, something closer like "R" is better then. Same goes for the "I" button. Also, the "Q/E/I" and "P" buttons should show with the cards, "Q/E/I" hovering over the minimized cards, and P when you call it.

Most of that is personal preference, I would be interested to learn what others think about it.

I hope the feedback comes of as constructive, it is intended this way. Thanks for your hard work and this lovely submission!