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Okay I ruined Thanksgiving, but let me explain!

Seriously, it's very impressive what you've done in 3 days. I love the vibe and atmosphere of the game. The jokes and general humor is very funny and a nice touch which makes the world feel alive. The voicelines are hilarious!

When I first spawned in it took me a little bit to get used to the game, especially with the timer instantly ticking. It might be nice to have the first tutorial area be off-timer so you get a chance to learn the ropes without feeling rushed.

The world can feel a bit big for a speedrunning game and the run speed isn't particularly fast either. I feel like the time deadline is very much on the short end as I failed my first two attempts, and I was still in the valley.

Sometimes it's also a bit weird that someone will want a barrel, and you will see a barrel, but you won't be able to pick it up. It took me ages to realize that the barrel is a physics object and that you have to push it, but it feels kinda like you're breaking your own game-rule with that.

Another thing I didn't realize is that I had to double jump to use the springy boot things. Due to this I missed the person that wanted to trade the springy boots, but apparently the game still let me win :D

So all in all it took me 4 plays to get to the end, but it was a very fun experience. Good job on making a game and finishing! Ps. I'd add some screenshots to the page so people are more tempted to play :)


The time you took to not only play the game 4 times, but to give the feedback you did, means the absolute world to our team. 

The clock was a late addition that kind of negates the 'cozy' portion of the jam. We are classic platformer lovers, so it was only natural we added a challenge for the players. This Jam taught us alot about ambition and time management. We hope to correct this for the next game jam we step into. 

Overall, this was an absolute blast, and thank you so much for hosting it. We loved every minute of it! :)

Good to hear that, that's what jams are all about, learning and being creative! Cheers!


The feedback is incredible! thanks so much, I got the comment about the barrel several times. Maybe in the future I'll have a few more characters that require a little physics challenge so the player is a bit more familiar with the concept! And for the 4 times to beat it, you are not supposed to beat it on your first go. It's meant to be a constant learning curve to encourage players to discover new ways to play, different routes to take, and challenge themselves however they please! You can finish the game with however many characters that you decide to trade-up with!

I spent pretty much every waking hour and minute working on this project, and I'm very happy with the finished product. Thank you so much for playing, and thank you for your input :)