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Sorry for the late reply!

I had almost forgotten about Starship TsukuruNova 20003! And yeah I couldn't help myself but to try to hook up the androids at the end XD 

So glad you're enjoying all of my games~! Chase for Divinity may be a bit rough because it's my earliest game (started back in my teens) so even with some of my revisions it's a bit rough but hopefully you get some enjoyment out of it XD;;;

(6 edits)

Eh, don't worry about it. 😉

I'm liking Chase For Divinity so far! 👍

I'm also replaying Luxaren Allure, which I honestly adored! The characters, with the exception of a certain king and Lynette(whom was a little too black and white/self righteous for my taste, but I liked her more than said king, so there's that :D), the sprites, the enemies, the assets and the custom tileset, I loved. Without a doubt one of the most unique and lovely rpgs I've played! ❤

And about quietly shipping Alicia x Miriam? Yeaaaah... about that?


Cuties! ❤❤❤

 I have no regrets! Muhahahahaha!

Edit: I've made decent progress in Chase For Divinity! I'm really liking it so far! 

And I still regret nothing!