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(4 edits) (+1)(-2)

well, you know what they say, if you smelt it, you dealt it. The both of you seem to have real problems with entitlement because you keep throwing around that insult to everyone else. Even if all they did was ask a simple question,  and you guys got all drippingly-arrogant. Calling people entitled? Is calling people names. It’s just a fancy name you immature hypocrites… I started playfully with dink, Jesus Christ…

Stop confusing my indignance for your guys’ bullshit, with entitlement. 


hahahahhahahahahaha I'm actually done, what a sadcase man.

You genuinely think your special don't ya? All I did was point out how you're acting entitled as all hell to someone's hard work, YOU took it on yourself to pull a tantrum and start throwing insults around.

The other commenter was plenty kind to you in the way he was phrasing his comments but you're so far up your own ass you still took it negatively.

Genuinely get therapy dude because you clearly need a lot of it to deal with your ego and delusion issues.

I don't have any hate for you, it would be like being angry at a homeless man for being homeless, I can't blame you for being a self entitled ass hat!

Have a great day ❤️

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

not a single thing either of you has said could be construed as polite or constructive…  You guys are twisting everything into your own disturbed world view, regardless of facts….  You guys are delusional, the both of you…. You both made a mountain out of a molehill and then blamed us for it, truly pathetic…. So fuck you, you asshole.

Looks like I came across a big stinky today...