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A member registered Sep 07, 2018

Recent community posts

(1 edit)

I have literally stated several times now that I wasn’t asking or demanding for it to be released for free. You keep twisting into that and then making fun of me for it. So fuck you.  You’re the asshole who threw around insults and accusations first. Fuck. You. You. Asshole. 

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not a single thing either of you has said could be construed as polite or constructive…  You guys are twisting everything into your own disturbed world view, regardless of facts….  You guys are delusional, the both of you…. You both made a mountain out of a molehill and then blamed us for it, truly pathetic…. So fuck you, you asshole.

Exactly. You asked a simple question. You didn’t make demands. You didn’t whine. And somehow, that makes you, and by extension me for defending you, entitled?… Whatever internet…

(4 edits)

well, you know what they say, if you smelt it, you dealt it. The both of you seem to have real problems with entitlement because you keep throwing around that insult to everyone else. Even if all they did was ask a simple question,  and you guys got all drippingly-arrogant. Calling people entitled? Is calling people names. It’s just a fancy name you immature hypocrites… I started playfully with dink, Jesus Christ…

Stop confusing my indignance for your guys’ bullshit, with entitlement. 

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I love how people get to behave however they want, but if someone comes along and says one bad word, suddenly the new person is the issue.

Also, you’re the one who came in here calling people entitled because YOU wanted to… Hypocrite..

Not a single thing I said was aggressive. The word dink was playful. Stop being so pathetic… (for reference, that last line was aggressive)

(2 edits)

Okay, when they asked? They weren’t bitching and moaning. They were simply asking a factual question. You need to get over yourself, promptly…. 

You simply have a twisted worldview and think that we’re all entitled little brats or something. They were just asking when it’s going to be available. Again, stop being a dick. 

That's not an acceptable response. Standard procedure for these situations is the latest version spends some time on Patreon, then released is publicly. They we're only asking a reasonable question, you dingus.