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Exactly. You asked a simple question. You didn’t make demands. You didn’t whine. And somehow, that makes you, and by extension me for defending you, entitled?… Whatever internet…


It wasnt about his question, he got a fair response explaining the situation. Its about your entitlment and the rant you went on explaining how you're entitled to someone elses work as "standard procedure"

Go pay and help support the people who's tools you are using most likely in your own work that you'll be trying to make money off anyway.

Same level of entitlment of refusing to pay for editing applications while making moneh using stolen versions, your just a dick lmao

Even if you don't make money it's still a professional tool designed to help your work process, AI isn't a toy it's a tool, pay for it or sign up for a free alternative.

Seriously bro, you're reaching for the stars trying to justify yourself on here, if your ego is this hurt just leave, its sad man.