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I was really enjoying the game and the story but I keep getting stuck. After pressing the button, sometimes instead of the room rotating, you end up falling. It says you grew too big for the room. And if it happens too many times you end up in a room where both the doors are locked and you can't do anything after that. Once, I even ended up inside one of the locked rooms after this happened. Please let me know if I'm doing something wrong. I managed to get all the true sights I think but got stuck after that.

I enjoyed the speed-crawl combo puzzle and the stasis true sight puzzle. Voice acting and graphics are good and the controls are smooth.


Thanks for giving it a try! That bug you're talking about where you fall out of the world and die after rotating the room was a game breaking bug that popped up right before we had to submit so we didn't have time to fix it. However, Vance graciously allowed us to post an update that fixed it (along with the debug showing issue) so that he and everyone could actually finish the game. So if you're still interested in playing through, download the newest version and give it another go. :)

Oh awesome, I'll check it out!

(1 edit)

Hi, could I get a hint for what to do after I have all three true sights? I was just trying different things and then somehow got stuck behind the desk in the severance room so had to quit. Would love to finish it but since there aren't any save points don't want to risk getting stuck again.


Hi! Thanks so much for your patience in playing our rough little game :) Once you have all three true sights, you have access to both endings.

One involves activating the Rune of Severance. There are two "pressure plates" in the severance room, one on either side of the door into the rotating room. You'll need to find a way to depress both plates at the same time and then stand on the severance rune.

The other ending is far more complicated. I'll clarify the goal but leave you to determine the method. You're trying to determine an order in which to step on 5 of the 6 runes around the level. In order to do this, you'll need a way to associate the runes with a number. One final hint to push you in the right direction: Renna tells you that you need to look to the stars and the tower rotation to banish the Emissary for good. You'll also need one other element. Have you looked closely at the readables? Is there anything in them that you've seen elsewhere?

Hope this helps! If you need assistance while you're playing, feel free to DM me (Discrete Infinity) on Discord. You should be able to find me in the Stand Off Software server.

Thanks for the help! I managed to get the second ending with the god banished. It's a really good puzzle! It may have been a little easier if Renna had mentioned that you need to step on the runes in order, that was the missing piece for me.  Really cool game! I might come back later and try for the other ending. :)