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This is one of my favorite entries! I really liked the voiced narrator and the assets look amazing. Literally the only con I can think is that sometimes I didn’t know where to look because there was so much to look at. Opening everything up would improve the atmosphere in my opinion. But hands down the prettiest game submitted to this jam.


Thanks for your kind comment Tymmo.

My plan for the 1st continent (which will eventually be the game's main demo) is to keep it closed-ish exploration to a certain point to get the story moving forward and for people to be eased into what's coming for later continents... but with a little off-the-beaten-path exploration. From the end of the 1st continent (which you cant get to in the JAM demo) the game will completely open up once you solve the problem with the sailors at the 1st Continents Port Town. You'll be able to catch boats to different small explorable islands or head on to Continent 2 for the main story, of course the 2nd continents wil also have boats going to other islands and onward to continent 3 later.

I will be eventually adding in voices for the store NPCs and also all playable characters will have voiced skills too, but with me only having £110 a month to spare on things. It's mostly been going on custom battle monsters for the time being, and some other things that's not related to the game every now and then. October to January is quite a hard time for me to move my project forward due to xmas, family birthdays also being clumped within those months too, so that £110 gets shifted to that as they are priority.

I know of really three missed issues with the demo, you should have access to two orange spots for Arrie to blow up, but 'cos how Unity works it didnt transfer over the orange glowing spots and was too late to change it for the JAM, but thats now fixed for later revision releases, and also the one house in the desert town glitches badly,. thats now been fixed too. I DO know that also with the custom menus I created if you are poisoned and enter then you have the poison flashing over the red pointer, i've not sorted that yet but know exactly how to stop that.

One person said they got lost, so i'm thinking about adding some type of pointer maybe to all major exits in an area (excluding doors for houses and caves and such). My game does give major hints on what to do next as you read the story or little cutscene that may happen, so there are pointers on what to do next but evidently it's not quite enough, so i think pointers to map/zone exits will help.. maybe like the red custom menu pointer but a yellow, blue or green one. Also making it turnable on and off for those who want to use it or not, kinda like a difficulty addition maybe.

Any hows, thanks again for the comment and ive made notes of your concern and i'll see how I can fix that for the future. In the mean time i'll PM you a small guide so if you were stuck you can play further to see more of the game if you wish to play more and get to the end of the demo.

Thanks for playing!

(1 edit)

just to let you know, i've been adding in markers to all main entrances (minus caves, mines, dungeons, secret hidden areas) to help people navigate better to where entrances to areas are and stuff.
