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A member registered Feb 13, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much for your kind words.

Due to bad time management on my part, a lot of story and battle elements were cut to submit a presentable and bug-free game before the deadline. I’m really glad you still enjoyed the story and characters—they were a big focus for me.

You’re absolutely right about the combat system. It’s quite straightforward right now, but I’m already planning improvements to make it more engaging and strategic. The time loop element you mentioned is definitely something I’d love to explore further in a sequel or expansion.

Thanks again for playing and sharing your feedback—it really means a lot!

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One of my favorite entries: it looked polished and I like the story. Everything looked cohesive and assets where well used. The first scene already set the tone and I thought it looked cool.

The balance in battle was a little off imo, though. If you would slightly improve on that it would elevate the entire experience.

Can’t wait to play more games by you in the future. :D

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It was short~ I feel like there are countless ways the story could continue and hoped there was more of it. :)

I did find it confusing how I had to go upstairs to take the ladder to reach Cornelius, instead of being able to walk around the tables on the ground floor.

Thank you for your feedback. :) Cute and immersive-looking was definitely what I was aiming for. I’m already planning an overhaul for the battle system. I want to shorten the dice roll animations, and make players choose magic potions at the start of the battle with conditions that impact the fights. So I’ll be working on that.

Thank you for your comment! :)

I’ve overlooked the Epic Forest Fantasy music pack by HZSmith, which is objectively a better fit for my game. So I’ll replace the music after the jam is over to make it mesh better.

I’ll be working on the battle system as well and give players more input.

Thank you for your kind words, it motivates me to keep working this game. :)

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I like the choice of music. I got transported back to the PS1 era as soon as the first battle began. I found Servitor to be the most interest character of the bunch.

The only thing I’d like to see is a text at the beginning setting up the story and maybe some more third person descriptions explaining what’s going on. Also, I think it’s not always very clear where you should go: you have to rotate the camera to see where entrances etc are.

I had a really hard time getting through battles to the point where it felt like every battle was longer than 50% of my own jam submission’s total playtime.

The highlight for me remains the story and worldbuilding, and can’t wait to see what your next game(s) will be like.

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If you have any issues with the text getting cut off from the screen, I used the font A-OTF Shin Go Pro DB. Installing it should fix that issue. After the jam is over I will upload a version with this issue solved by using Smile Game Builder’s default font.

Thank you for your feedback! I’ll fix all bugs as soon as the feedback period is over, so I can improve on the game even more. I also plan to add the story sections I had to skip due to time constraints. :D

About the world map: I’m planning on making it smaller/more zoomed out with all locations visible from the start. I want people to get lost in the air ducts, not on the overworld map.

I’ve got plenty of mini games done I’d like to use for other games, so you can expect more of those in the future.

Thank you for playing my game, I hope you like my other games as well. :)

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Thank you for your feedback! It’s much appreciated~ my original vision for the game was to be more interactive, but I ran into some problems with having to choose between grid movement for some minigames I had in mind and free movement for the investigation scenes and world map.

Should I make the overworld map smaller or keep the size unchanged with all locations visible (but not accessible) from the start? Anyway, thanks for playing! 🥳

I think if you went back to talk to Udde and Magda after you found the rope you would’ve been able to reach Mats without the walkthrough. But I’m happy you managed to get the entire game in your playthrough video.

I’m embarrassed to admit that I didn’t use variables in my previous games. Any time you talk to a certain character the player teleports to a copy of the world map where I altered the conversations. 😅 Reach another “trigger” point in a conversation and you teleport to a another modified copy of the world map and so on. I could’ve saved myself so much frustration if I just sat down to read the manual. The Purrfect Crime had almost nine copies of the main map.😂 But at least I fully understand how it works now. 🙂

Makes sense! I do hope you’ll continue working on it because I’m curious to see what’s behind all those doors.

I don’t know where I should go after I get into the hallway, but I like the aesthetics.

I liked how it looks nothing like other SGB game. It’s giving me Medabots vibes. I hope to see more. :)

The decoration system is amazing! I wouldn’t even know where to start making one. All the other additional menu’s and stuff were great as well. One of my top 2 entries of this jam.

This is one of my favorite entries! I really liked the voiced narrator and the assets look amazing. Literally the only con I can think is that sometimes I didn’t know where to look because there was so much to look at. Opening everything up would improve the atmosphere in my opinion. But hands down the prettiest game submitted to this jam.

Thank you! Not only for your positive comment but also for your tutorials on Youtube, I’ve learned so much from them.

Also, I really liked how you put the character portraits of the characters in your game next to the dialogue box, so that has inspired me to experiment more with that kind of stuff in the future.

I’m sticking with a Cluedo-style board/map in the future and will hopefully expand on this in future entries.

Thanks so much! I’m really glad people like the art and script. Because of comments like this I’m motivated to continue making games in the future. :)

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I’ve added a spellchecked version to the download page.

Please consider using the first file as the Jam valid entry.

Since I pulled an all nighter before the deadline I didn’t get the chance to see if any of my sentences made any sense. After replaying the game just now I’ve realised many sentences we’re literal word by word translations from Dutch into English. Also some portions of the story and the ending weren’t accessible in the Jam entry due to the wrong use of variables. So please check out the spellchecked version as well as it contains the true ending. :)

Thank you so much for your kind words! :D This made me really happy since I was a little bit worried people wouldn’t like the presentation.

Thank you for telling me about the bug, I’ve fixed the original project file right away. :)

I like this game a lot, great use of models/lights and enviromental effects. The only thing missing for me were character portraits because starting in the first scene I wasn’t sure what character was speaking.

Even though I did get stuck/lost I liked it a lot! The portraits are cute too. :) Only thing missing for me is some atmospheric music.

I like the sprites and character models! And the camera angle really helps with the atmosphere. Looking forward to see a full game of this!

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The entire game felt like a fever dream in the best way possible. I love the art and your use of the camera.

I liked seeing non-stylized models being used! The music, models and the narrative are a perfect match, the only thing missing is something that indicates where to go next (I tried to add an example below). I only got to some areas by just walking at the screen border. Curious to see how this develops. :)

I actually like how you can’t run because this adds to the atmosphere of the game and seeing a character like this sprinting through the game doesn’t make much sense to me.

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A Saturday-morning cartoon was definitely the vibe I was going for. 

I plan on expanding on the game and story in the future and also make walking around and exploring the world possible since that would also fix the current saving issue, but I ran into time constraints so I didn't have enough time to make sprites or 3D models for an entire city and for all the characters. 

Thank you for the feedback, it's much appreciated! :D

Thank you so much! :D