Cool game, I like the visuals and overall feeling. Sound and music fit well. I enjoyed throwing balls at enemies and how they can bounce around doing extra damage. I like the idea of the plants that grow platforms, but I couldn't seem to control them well enough to put platforms where I wanted, it felt like luck to get it grow where I wanted.
There are earlier areas I feel like I got lucky enough to grow a platform for, but this section was especially brutal because I hoped to make the jump over the top instead of needing to rely on the rolling seeds. I died a bunch here.
Anyway, overall great job!
Thanks for playing my game.
I actually try to control the growth of trees more. But because we're using Box2D, we don't want to force the physic too much.
Indeed, we added the throw by pressing up and down. And hope that it will help something more. But that's it.
By the way, your game is awesome. Hope to see this game (or another game) that is longer playable and has more detail.