Grammar gal, typo guy's childhood friend, opens up a whole new world if issues!
"Eventually the concert ends, and you take a sleep Emma and [emma_kidname] home."
Sleeping? But one screen later both are awake? Sleepy maybe?
Surprising that no one reported it, it was there since the other update
Also, new world if issues
I actually wrote this down last week, for my ongoing one typo per week project - typo guy must not die!
But please don't say a word to Arcadean :)
[adding insult to injury: this exact error was twice in the script file and one of them was fixed in 0.16.3 :D]
PS "if issues" ...fat finger syndrome...
Oh no! Typo Hero has come for you, too!(Also, thanks - fixed now!)
"Now I am become deathyslexic, the destroyer of worlds."