if you do so please share the data - I'm highly interested, was my gut feeling off?
Recent community posts
they are showing up because the MC already met them - in season 1.
and you thought of setting the respective met variable to 1, same approach as with the secret chars in season 2.
ergo: all fine. and when you add new stories with them the met variable will organically grow and the chars disclosed in the book
forgot yesterday to praise you for the flawless execution of the three games in one approach. while I'm not interested in sharing and slave content often games with multiple paths awake my FOMA and I poke around in the script and variables until I see everything.
you somehow wrote a story where the different paths are so distinct that I stopped save scumming and console abuse: only one path interested me and I never had the feeling that I lose anything when I never see the scenes outside of the chosen route.
and, iirc, the menu choices are clear enough to never mislead the player, one has to play blind to end on a wrong path (I fucked this up only once, I think, with Jenna on the submissive path until I changed the flags).
from renpy 8.2+ / 7.7+ on the downloader is the way to go - a tiny base apk and the rest of the content will be fetched from a webserver.
not a new idea but directly integrated in the framework, less hacky and (maybe?) more stable than similar solutions implemented within the game code.
[full disclosure: never played around it myself, and I don't even care about mobile releases]
still a new game, end of first week, Sunday period switched to night (removed the broken if condition in new_day for the time being)
While running game code: File "game/systems/event system/a1_events/nami_events.rpy", line 128, in script scene n9 with dissolve File "game/map.rpy", line 278, in execute screen scr_sity_1(): File "game/map.rpy", line 278, in execute screen scr_sity_1(): File "game/map.rpy", line 280, in execute for event in per_locations.instant_events[act-1]: File "game/map.rpy", line 280, in <module> for event in per_locations.instant_events[act-1]: AttributeError: 'bool' object has no attribute 'instant_events'
something's wrong with the current release
my existing save from 0.44 crashes with an error when forwarding time
While running game code: File "game/map.rpy", line 18, in script pause File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 462, in execute_pause renpy.pause() File "game/map.rpy", line 21, in execute screen map_1(): File "game/map.rpy", line 21, in execute screen map_1(): File "game/map.rpy", line 36, in execute fixed at map_open: File "game/map.rpy", line 41, in execute if act < 2: File "game/map.rpy", line 110, in execute if Test_Weekday([1,2,3,4,5]).test(): File "game/map.rpy", line 121, in execute for location in regular_map_locations: File "game/map.rpy", line 122, in execute $ location = getattr(store,location) File "game/map.rpy", line 122, in <module> $ location = getattr(store,location) TypeError: getattr(): attribute name must be string
a new game throws an error when ending the very first day
While running game code: File "game/new_day.rpy", line 3, in script python: File "game/new_day.rpy", line 15, in <module> dorms.a4_regular_events = [a4_bottle_quest] NameError: name 'dorms' is not defined
it self-healed...
loading a save created in 0.60 has no exception in side chars, the one I created yesterday after playing everything added in 0.61 display the menu fine, too.
looks like it was something [weird/unexpeced/caused by stellar radiation] somewhere between the two snapshots, and I see no good way to reproduce it.
sorry for the unnecessary report :/
fun game so far, stumbled over it by chance and like the basic game-play loop, the battle mechanics are better than expected for Some Random Porn Game :)
tiny issue, though: I started an all girls game (MC, enemies and NPCs are all set to female) and this is not checked correctly for (at least) one scene; picking up a coin on the market place (townsquare.rpy starting at line 613, "elif Player.current_event.n == 3:")
either skip this event when NPCs are set to female or rewrite it with some dildo-in-arse images.
[that the king is still there does not feel like a bug but design decision, too obvious I think]
sounds great, looking forward to see the plot unfold!
> I fear it won't affect in android too
that's under the "make it nice" umbrella :P
[easyish approach: add buttons to the screen also changing the zoom variable]
[easiest, and imo best, approach: scale the map to one screen, as you already outlined above :)]
PoC for a zoomable map. personal opinion: I still would very much prefer to see the whole map.
you'll have to do everything needed to make it nice and working with mobile devices. I used the intro map as example, only two hotspots :)
in screen_mainUI.rpy (and place a "default zoomfactor = 1.0" somewhere)
screen localmap_ui(): key "mousedown_4" action SetVariable("zoomfactor", If(zoomfactor<1, zoomfactor+0.1, 1)) key "mousedown_5" action SetVariable("zoomfactor", If(zoomfactor>=0.1, zoomfactor-0.1, 0.1)) # ..unchanged.. if introfinished == False: viewport: at map_ui_ani xysize (config.screen_width, config.screen_height) child_size (int(3360*zoomfactor), int(1950*zoomfactor)) xinitial 0.5 yinitial 0.5 draggable True add "gui/akihabaramain.webp" zoom zoomfactor imagebutton: auto "gui/mapicons/bedroom_%s.webp" at local_mappins_ani pos (int(1625*zoomfactor), int(1200*zoomfactor)) idle_foreground Text("Bedroom", font="fonts/BarlowCondensed-SemiBold.ttf", size=25, xalign=0.5, ypos=70, text_align=0.5, outlines=[(1, "#000000", 0, 0)]) hover_foreground Text("Bedroom", font="fonts/BarlowCondensed-SemiBold.ttf", size=25, xalign=0.5, ypos=70, text_align=0.5, outlines=[(1, "#000000", 0, 0)]) action [ Play("sound", "audio/mainmenu_hover.mp3"), Hide("localmap_ui"), Hide("indoorfloorlevels"), Hide("indoorfloorrooms"), Hide("localmap_ui"), Jump("tampulabedroom") ] imagebutton: auto "gui/mapicons/hq_%s.webp" at local_mappins_ani pos (int(1710*zoomfactor),int(1075*zoomfactor)) idle_foreground Text("Headquarters", font="fonts/BarlowCondensed-SemiBold.ttf", size=25, xalign=0.5, ypos=70, text_align=0.5, outlines=[(1, "#000000", 0, 0)]) hover_foreground Text("Headquarters", font="fonts/BarlowCondensed-SemiBold.ttf", size=25, xalign=0.5, ypos=70, text_align=0.5, outlines=[(1, "#000000", 0, 0)]) action [ Play("sound", "audio/mainmenu_hover.mp3"), Hide("localmap_ui"), Hide("indoorfloorlevels"), Hide("indoorfloorrooms"), Hide("localmap_ui"), Jump("tampulaoffice") ] # ..etc etc..
the menu option "Talk to the schoolgirl looking at her phone" (map_tampula.rpy:279) is never locked, even after the MC knows her and she wants to get paid for sex (the "Talk to Moltena" option a few lines later).
I think you should use as condition "if tampula_miscquest_available1 == True and clock.time_of_day[0] == "Night" and tampula_miscquest_progress1 < 2" to close this one when the other option becomes available
the strip club in Tampula can be entered all day long (map_tampula.rpy:615, the only condition is "if tampula_stripclub == True") but you added only backgrounds for evening to midnight (see map_tampula_stripclub.rpy, first ten lines or so, same for the other locations in the club).
easiest mitigation may be to lock the entry with something like "if tampula_stripclub == True and clock.time_of_day[0] in ("Evening", "Night", "Midnight")" for the "Enter Elevator" menu
> Minigame coding degrades my soul
minigames, especially the ones with QTE, are one of the first things I patch out of renpy games. as this knowledge would cursh your soul even more I will not disclose it here :)
> Random events
this is more what I meant when saying the game feels a little bit lifeless. does not have to be a fully scene or something complicated, just a few small thingies one can stumble over when walking over the map with - currently - a lot of more or less empty locations
[PS added a few crashes to the entry of the current 1.0.9 release announcement]
> Both throw exceptions ('CharacterStats' object has no attribute 'handjob'), I think the object is extended by them in non-repeatable scenes I did not see so far
wait, the cause is a different one: def apply_limit_check(self) (in script.rpy) checks against a few options not available in the class (next to handjob also stuff like blowjob, anal, ...).
looks like a work-in-progress function, commenting them mitigates the crash
I think some of the events in Ayane's and Seika's room are unlocked too early, before it should be able to happen. e.g. Beach Date with Seika or Excersise Skill with Ayane: Both throw exceptions ('CharacterStats' object has no attribute 'handjob'), I think the object is extended by them in non-repeatable scenes I did not see so far
woops, missed this, parts of https://itch.io/post/9821036 are only valid for 1.0.8
a few remarks about issues and pacing, I use the current public itch release
side quest mysterious pervert cannot be solved legally, the last stage (second visit to the principal's room) is broken. core issue is "if tampula_sidestory3.progress = 7:" in screen_RoomNavigation.rpy around line 139, controlling access to the room on the 2nd floor - changing it to ">= 7" works as hotfix but this may cause issues down the line.
the scrollable maps are confusing, it took me a long time to find the school and longer than I'm willing to admit to deploy slayers - was more or less by chance that I got one mission that showed in the viewbox of the tablet's map view. for the city map I would very much prefer a map view displaying everything on one screen (how many locations do you *really* plan to implement) and the mission handling would be imp better without a map: just add a deploy button next to the job in the "ongoing" tab. the world map looks great but it gets in the way in the tablet menus
generally the job thingy could be explained better, or give me at least the chance to reopen the CCUN tutorial. I still don't know why I never got any money (only reputation) or why new job offers simply stopped after I finished a good handful of them or why my total on the right side of the screen shows 7 total reputation (if the guy-with-stars icon is reputation?) but the sum of earned guy-with-stars thingies is much higher than 7. was bored after some time and changed the script to give me a gazillion credits, but maybe this is all part of the early stages and I shouldn't even able to earn moeny that early?
I am now at the moment where I can move to the fort and hope I have more to do there - so far the game felt a little bit lifeless. a lot of locations with not a lot to do; and the pacing felt off: just now when I could move to the fort I have suddenly more possible interactions, with the porn shop sales person inviting me to her home and I stumbled over the strip club (swinger club may be a better name, though :)). while a good plot and solid game mechanics are important for me to enjoy a game this one is still of the porny subgenre; you are allowed to show naked skin even early in the game :)
the above sounds more negative than intented, I do have fun so far and looking forward to see the story unfold. but imho you can still improve stuff :D
at least "bg masturbate pillow (22)" is used and can be reached in a legal play-through w/o shenanigans , the reason I noticed it (and started the linter to take a more systematic look): Riding pillow -> Nude -> Scarlet joins -> 'Do you want to join me'. renpy tries (and fails) to load it in masturbation_new.rpy:311.
and seriously: lint is your friend :D