Greetings. Great work on this engine. I've been messing around with the new rollback multiplayer functionality (GM beta) and noticed that the engine doesn't work with managed objects. The new multiplayer function won't allow global or local variables (basically anything beyond temporary variables) to be set or modified within the draw function of objects. This causes an error to be thrown.
I switched the light_engine to be unmanaged and avoided the above error (from the multiplayer issue), but a new error was thrown.
action number 1
of Other Event: User Defined 11
for object light_engine:
vertex_submit: Illegal vertex buffer specified.
at gml_Object_light_engine_Other_21 (line 72) - vertex_submit(_v_buffer, pr_trianglelist, -1);
gml_Object_light_engine_Other_21 (line 72)
gml_Object_light_engine_Draw_0 (line 3)
Perhaps this is an issue with the beta version of game maker, just curious if you've got this engine working in beta or if you plan on fixing some of these issues given the limitations of the new rollback system.