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Discovering a family member's story while sorting through their belongings is a pretty good concept. Wish the story was more in depth, but good starting point. Sometimes it was hard to pick up items behind walls/obstacles without rotating to a very specific camera angles, maybe disabling the colliders on those would make it easier to pick those up?


Thank you for review. =) Yeap, we had time only to proove the concept. And the story.. Well, we never had a concept for the story, just imagined some things on-the-go. Next time we do story-rich game we should have a concept on our hands, agree. Sadly, suffered from that not-that obvious mouse drag and drop myself. Looks like system MonoBehaviour methods “OnDrag” do not work that well and raycasting should have been done manually. Moving the walls / obstacles to a different layer and ignore them while raycasting from the camera sounds like a nice idea to me, thanks.