if i update the game again, ill take these into account
also, press 3 to view your stats
Welp, was doing so good on a run my game crashed
(happened after i chose the upgrade to kill all enemies on screen with ALOT of enemies, so much i had fps less than 30)
action number 1
of Create Event
for object obj_Boss:
Variable <unknown_object>.x(0, -2147483648) not set before reading it.
at gml_Object_obj_Boss_Create_0
stack frame is
gml_Object_obj_Boss_Create_0 (line -1)
called from - gml_Object_obj_enemypar_Destroy_0 (line -1) - <unknown source line>
called from - gml_Object_obj_LitTnt_Mouse_7 (line -1) - <unknown source line>
new crash bug, should probably implement an auto bug reporter :P
action number 1
of Destroy Event
for object obj_enemypar:
Variable obj_voidman.void(100018, -2147483648) not set before reading it.
at gml_Object_obj_enemypar_Destroy_0
stack frame is
gml_Object_obj_enemypar_Destroy_0 (line -1)
called from - gml_Object_obj_voidman_Create_0 (line -1) - <unknown source line>
called from - gml_Object_obj_wavesControl_Alarm_0 (line -1) - <unknown source line>