A super impressive game, particularly to pull off in a month given the amount of voice acting!! The mythos of your story was really intriguing (though I won't say any spoilers here!), and interesting to unravel as we began to look through more and more of the memories in the mansion. I give a lot of credit to your writing ability for balancing all of those threads and flashbacks, and for the attention to detail with the various notebooks and their narrative. The voice fx and visual fx in certain sequences were also really well done in terms of tying everything together - congrats all a job well done!
Thanks so much for your kind words :3
Admittedly, I did begin to regret the number of lines of dialogue I wound up writing, especially for Dämme, haha. One night, my dad was wishing me goodnight, and he asked how things were going + told me I should get more sleep, haha. I said to him, I think it's gonna be another 5am bedtime tonight because I want to finish getting all these voice lines cut and edited if I can. He just sighed, then laughed, and said "Well, you did this to yourself." xD
And you have no idea how much it means to me that you think positively of the writing! I was so, so anxious that maybe it was just a sorta messy splurge of ideas that didn't come together all that coherently >.< haha. Things always make sense to me in my head, but I struggle with knowing whether or not they make sense to anyone else once I spill it all out into a game. That combined with me having very little confidence in anything that I do = a lot of worrying whenever I release stuff.
I honestly enjoy the sleepless nights of pushing myself during jams that mean a lot to me because when I'm working away on something like that, it helps so much with my mental health just to be able to escape from reality for a whole month and bury myself in a project. Though, I realise the way I work during jams isn't particularly healthy! To get such lovely feedback makes it all seem even more worth it though, so thank you again :3 I sure as heck couldn't have done it without such a wonderful team!