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Awesome entry! I can tell its a fusion game just by some of the behaviors such as riding on top of the tomato enemies ;). Nice work on text wrap. The extremely tight controls are great. I love that the jump works as well as it does. Its extremely tight/harsh, but somehow feels perfect. I like the fact that you made enemies smaller to accommodate for the size of the main character sprite. The camera is awesome - its a huge pet peeve of mine when games use medium/large sprites, but don't pan forward to give the player ample opportunity to react. 

The level design is great and some of the diamonds were really cleverly placed. I feel like you squeezed a LOT of good design out of the few abilities you have - making your plants block the growth of vines is a really cool example. Game-feel is extremely strong. The shears and seed behaviors are beyond perfect. Taking damage feels a bit weaker compared to those two in the feel department, but it sells it just fine and is just me nitpicking. I love how you've made the walk animation feel "bouncy" despite the limited number of frames.

Incredible work!


Aaah, thank you so much!  It really means a lot to hear that you noticed and appreciated the little details, even if it's something simple like the camera panning ahead, or the feel of the tools!  Thanks for enjoying it, and for all the comments!