As usual, I saved the ShibeyFaceGames title for last. I don't want to say I'm saving the best for last, but I like to end on a high note and for the most part the Basin Lake games have all been excellent.
There's definitely a bit of roughness around the edges compared to some of the previous titles in the series. There's two very different art styles in use. Skipping through the third of the dialogue that's the same on subsequent runs is annoying. The music doesn't loop properly. The combat is basically just spamming clicks (it feels like you should click and drag to paint, but that's not how it works). The first time I played, fighting nightmares didn't actually run the clock down.
Of course, "rough by ShibeyFaceGames" standards still means a very well made, highly polished game. Though it suffers a bit from style mismatch, the art is still fantastic. The music is still great. There weren't any game breaking bugs, and the mechanics all worked well. I'm nitpicking about a good game that isn't quite perfect, not breaking down the major flaws of a seriously flawed one.
Despite or maybe because of the limited scope, I think this game has some of the best and most creative design in the Basin Lake series. Overall, it reminds me of some old flash games, but with some new elements I haven't seen before. Having to manage time and balance visting locations with fighting monsters is a great core mechanic. The visual indicators of good/bad interactions are a great help. The narrative integration of repeating to find the golden path into a groundhog day loop, with different title screens, was a great addition.
I liked the premise of the story, but I think it was a little on the sticky sweet side for me. I do like the Tama/Paisley romance in general, though. I also wasn't a fan of dancing around the issue with Paisley's mother rather than just throwing up a content warning and stating it outright (I'm still not 100% sure I interpreted this scene correctly).
It's definitely a downscope from previous titles, but oddly enough, I don't think it's a downgrade. It's not perfect, it's clear some issues stem from limited development time, but I think the more constrained design worked really well overall.