Hi McKathlin
Sorry for the late reply I appreciate the feedback it was very insightful.
Anyways, for now most of the art will still have an early development look because I am trying figure out the world mechanics first.
Yeah about the bug(in wall spawning🤣) I'm working on a fix to spawn the player on a clear area. And thanks for the advice on the UI it does look better bigger I'm also going to add particle effects for the UI elements. Information about the current ammo of the weapon in use will also get a Ul elements soon.
So, what I have planned is for the game it's going to be a procedurally generated environment at each run. I still busy figure how to implement the algorithm cellular automata to produce organic looking environments.
I also plan on adding plants to the which have special abilities the mostly affect the player.
I still have to update the download page so it reflects what the game is in its current state and what's it should be at the end the development.
But thanks again for the feedback and about new enemies, yes there will be more enemies, but I just got to figure out on how to create a charge and attack state I have a vague idea on how to do it, but it was clearer it would be better. Then I'll start creating a variety of enemies.