I would agree that the glory up mechanic discourages you from raising other stats. Funnily enough though the minion build I've had the most success with is usually one I run when I'm starting over the glory grind on a new computer with a Stran Amir Ashem.
Start with life and grab Piercing vines, they do incredible damage and scale incredibly well while also punishing anything moving into melee. Grab life cultists afterwards as soon as possible as they're some of the best summons for both damage and healing and are in fact the best mid battle healing power you can buy.
Next move into death and grab necromancy to get another front line fighter to go with your tugar, move back into life and grab invigoration to give your minions some survivability. Then grab the last power you're going to buy: nekrokinesis for a bit of extra damage (grab earlier if you haven't been able to get something that will deal more consistent damage off of will). After this all skill levels go into invigoration to make your summons as tanky as possible.
As for stat points, everything goes into will, wear whatever armor gives you the most benefits, don't worry about weight, you'll ideally be fighting within range of piercing vines and a high speed would actually get in the way of that.
I've entered maps and had every monster die before I got a chance to do anything as my minions spawn in and wipe everything. This usually takes me through to the second map and gets me a bunch of unlocks really quickly. Not my favorite build, it can drag if you run into a group with healers and god help you if you can't avoid a golgoranth till you get strong enough, they'll roll your entire team and then one shot you.
I'm simply glad to hear, in a flavor sense, that "life and death" minions is such a solid strategy.
I'm kind of playing catch up with summons as there was very little for them to begin with (a lot planned), but players seemed to immediately gravitate towards them. So I hope to design some more powers that make strategies like this more dynamic.
For example, there should be a death summon that gets stat boosted whenever an ally dies. Maybe a Skeleton Golganth...