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Just notice that i have forgotten to explain the Thorn and Block synergy on tooltip, it's actually one of the first synergies i added. Block prevents Thorn to be removed, but Burn bypass that when Burn is applied to to counter Thorn you can apply Burn, i am planning to add more Burn items. Thorn was one of the hardest thing to balance when i made the Desert Update.

Gonna add upgrade to health potions and the other potions but i don't want a player to just turtle with it and end every combat with full health. When it comes to SUM/10 abilities, a good combo is to apply weakness to yourself so you can apply more dices, it's a risk vs reward type of approche.

You can get armor slot on Sorcerer with help of the blessing Two-Torso, main goal with different character's is to give different start positions for different types of builds, but i try to tweak them if they are too unbalance.

How do you apply weakness to yourself? I thought it only applies to an enemy...

What burn items are currently in game? Couldn't notice any, just one blessing where you give Burn to an enemy after taking damage.

Don't know if it's a bug or a mechanic. Items that reload don't keep additional uses gained with a Gold Pot to the next turn. For example: I added two uses to a Thorn Armor, and at the beginning of the next turn it changed from 3 back to 1.

Found an overpowered build :D

Inner balance blessing + dagger is crucial to it, I guess. Well, with any thorn item this ant isn't dangerous, but as you can see, it didn't bite me even once, and I already depleted its armor. Maybe I'm going to beat the second boss at last :)

Dagger and Thorn Armor are really powerful, maybe bind them to events or elite fights? Like a chance to get it as a loot after elite fight or an option after the first bossfight. I know I would regret reporting this, because I still deal with sandworms by just avoiding their tiles :')


Yaaaay :) Didn't even take any damage.


Haha, congratulation!

That's seems like an really good build, i don't think i will balance it at the moment, but might do further ahead. Just picking the Samurai to being with is a gamble.

Will add some Burn items this patch too, realized that i actually didn't have any.. XD

Wasn't lucky enough to not meet a sandworm on a chance event, and I noticed that its Thorn doesn't deplete when Burn is added. I got Blisters blessing, so after it bit, it got 3 Burn, but its Thorn remained 25.

Fixed that now =)

Also I noticed that Fire Dragon doesn't add any burn, if you already have burn. I had 20 burn, and after the next fire attack this number didn't increase. Or it shouldn't?

So, the way that Burn works is that it sets the highest value, ex if you have 15 Burn and gain 10, you only lose 10 Thorn if you have it but more burn is not added. If you gain 20 Burn, you gain 5 Burn since it set your Burn to 20. Its hard to convey this in a short text but i have updated the tooltip for it now and i hope it got more clear now ^^

Yep, I suspected something like that, just wasn't sure. Thanks!